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Depmusica - HISTORIA DE LA MUSICA 2º BACH. Get your Wikispaces Classroom now: the easiest way to manage your class. guest Join | Help | Sign In depmusica Home guest| Join | Help | Sign In Turn off "Getting Started" Loading...


Depmusica - HISTORIA DE LA MUSICA 2º BACH. Períodos de la Música. Intérpretes Músicos Juan de Dios Filiberto Compositor y Director de Orquesta, fue un hábil intérprete de piano, guitarra, violín y armonio, instrumento este último en el cual creara gran parte de su repertorio.

Períodos de la Música

Filiberto fue y será una de las figuras más preponderantes del tango, autor de obras como "Quejas de bandoneón", "Caminito", "Cuando llora la milonga", "El pañuelito", "Malevaje", "Clavel del aire", y tantas otras que engrandecieron la "Canción Porteña". Atilio Stampone.

Schoenberg, Kokoschka and Schiele – Vienna’s revolutionaries. Fin-de Siècle Vienna’s ‘Second Generation’ Art and Music In his opus, ‘Der Mann ohne Eigenschaften’ (The Man without Qualities) the Austrian writer Robert Musil, considered by many the Marcel Proust of Fin-de-Siècle Vienna, stated that Austria’s intellectuals, artists and writers found themselves on the threshold of the new century where “out of the oil-smooth spirit of the last two decades of the 19th century, …. there rose a kindling fever.

Schoenberg, Kokoschka and Schiele – Vienna’s revolutionaries

Nobody knew exactly what was on the way; nobody was able to say whether it was to be a new art, a New Man, a new morality or perhaps a reshuffling of society”. As seen in my previous Interlude articles, the Secessionist painters, writers, architects and the artists of the Wiener Werkstätte (Viennese Workshops), had already broken with the traditions of the past, but the emerging new voices, Kokoschka, Schiele and the composers of the ‘Second Viennese School’, Schönberg, Berg and Webern, would go further still.

Schönberg Pelleas und Melisande, Op. 5. The 10 best classical music tear-jerkers. 1.

The 10 best classical music tear-jerkers

Giacomo Puccini - Sono andati? (from La Boheme) Because this is an opera, someone has to die. Unfortunately for poor Mimi in Puccini's La Boheme, it's her. Not only is she separated from her true love, riven with consumption and hacking into her hanky like an audience member in Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? 2. It'd be nice to think that the rather more dramatic scene depicted in Amadeus , where Mozart on his death bed blurts out his last ever composition to an eagerly transcribing Salieri, was exactly how it happened. 3. You might know this one from some of the key scenes in Oliver Stone's less-than-cheery Vietnam epic Platoon . 4. It's a staple here at Classic FM, but to do justice to Albinoni's Adagio you really do have to put your headphones in, imagine life in sepia and think back to that time the family pet was put down. 5.

Archipiélago Sonoro 3H (11/11/13) Quel est ce titre ? Construction of a Violin. [curriculum vitae] [introduction] [sound] [care & maintenance] [pictures] [the bow] When the violin maker starts preparing to make an instrument, he must first of all consider his choice of materials and create a strategy of design.

Construction of a Violin

The rough flitches of wood used for the front and back plates are glued together with joints that must last perhaps for hundreds of years. To shape the outline of the thin strips of maple called the ribs, a mould is made which is later removed from the structure. The front and back plates must be worked fairly thin to be able to resonate easily, but because they must also support a lot of tension, they are shaped into a very exact arching. The edges of the thin plates are then reinforced by the inlaying of the purfling which also serves the purpose of adding visual style. Violin exploded view Here are some very useful measurements of violin family instruments. The Violin, The Viola, The Cello and The Bass Quarter cut and slab cut respectively back to top. Rincón barroco online. Recóndita armonía online. El paso del tiempo - Edad media y renacimiento - 19/08/13, El paso del tiempo. Libro de notas online.

Escenas de niños online. Todas las mañanas del mundo online. El canto de las sirenas online. O morir embriagado por la música, o vivir como los marinos de Ulises, con los oídos tapados por la cera.

El canto de las sirenas online

Desde el fin del Micénico corría la leyenda de una isla misteriosa en cuyas orillas los marineros perecían hechizados por el canto de unos pájaros con patas y plumas de aves, pero con rostro de muchacha y senos de mujer, que en griego se llaman Sirenas. Aquellos que en su ignorancia se acercaban a las divinas Sirenas y escuchaban su sonora voz, no volverían a abrazar de nuevo a su mujer ni a sus hijos, llenos de júbilo tras su regreso a casa. Allí las Sirenas lo hechizaban todo con su canto cautivador. La intensidad y belleza de su sonoro trino se elevaba tan alto que todos aquellos que lo escuchaban sucumbían inexorablemente a tan sugestivo encantamiento.

En torno a ellas, sentadas en una florida pradera, amarilleaba un enorme montón de huesos y renegridos pellejos humanos putrefactos. Jazz porque sí online. La huella romaní online. La huella romaní online. Historia y música online. Los rechazados online. Los rechazados online. Temas de música online. Viaje a Ítaca online. Temas de música online. Acompasa2 online. Temas de música online.