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What if I forgot the administrator password for my Elite/B800i, Drobo FS/ProFS or B800fs? How do I reset the password? WARNING: Do not reset the Drobo.

What if I forgot the administrator password for my Elite/B800i, Drobo FS/ProFS or B800fs? How do I reset the password?

Resetting the Drobo will result in data loss. In order to reset your password, you must contact Drobo Customer Support. Be advised that you will need the serial number of your Drobo. To help ensure complete accuracy when providing the serial number of your Drobo array, one should also provide a diagnostic to Drobo support personnel. For info on how to obtain a diagnostic from your Drobo, please click here. Click to contact support. Next; Once you receive the password reset key from support, you will do the following: Please remember that both the username and password are case-sensitive.

NOTE(s): 1. 2. Building my Own Laptop. We are building an open laptop, with some wacky features in it for hackers like me.

Building my Own Laptop

This is a lengthy project. Fortunately, ARM CPUs are getting fast enough, and Moore’s Law is slowing down, so that even if it took a year or so to complete, I won’t be left with a woefully useless design. Today’s state of the art ARM CPUs — quad-core with GHz+ performance levels — is good enough for most day-to-day code development, email checking, browsing etc. We started the design in June, and last week I got my first prototype motherboards, hot off the SMT line. It’s booting linux, and I’m currently grinding through the validation of all the sub-components. Of course, a feature of a build-it-yourself laptop is that all the design documentation is open, so others of sufficient skill and resources can also build it. Above is an annotated diagram of the circuit board. New A Idtech 15 0" LCD Display Screen Panel IAQX10N 2048 1536. D h m s day hour hours FREE shipping See item description Approximately: (Enter ##1## or more) (Enter more than ##1##) Your max bid:

Thingiverse - Digital Designs for Physical Objects. Store. 3D Printing. Laser Cutter. Gallery For a while I'd been noticing how cheap lasercutters had become on Ebay.

Laser Cutter

I'd considered putting one on my list of 'things to look at when I next fancied a new toy', but was initially discouraged by some mixed opinions I'd read. My only immediate application would be for making SMD paste stencils, but I'm sure I could find other uses... Eventually I succumbed to temptation. Amongst the various Ebay sellers selling them, it was obvious by looking at other items they were selling that many (especially the Hong Kong ones) were just box-shifters, also selling all sorts of random stuff. As expected, documentation (including video on CD supplied) was as appalling as we've come to expect from Chinese suppliers.

I tried a quick cut of a polyester solder paste stencil, and it came out pretty well considering the power setting was pretty arbitary - certainly useable and with a bit of tweaking probably capable of cutting for 0.5mm QFPs. Safety & quality issues Conclusions (so far...)


MSP430 LaunchPad Value Line Development kit - MSP-EXP430G2. Description The MSP-EXP430G2 LaunchPad Development Kit is an easy-to-use microcontroller development board for the low-power and low-cost MSP430G2x MCUs.

MSP430 LaunchPad Value Line Development kit - MSP-EXP430G2

It has on-board emulation for programming and debugging and features a 14/20-pin DIP socket, on-board buttons and LEDs & BoosterPack Plug-in Module pinouts that support a wide range of modules for added functionality such as wireless, displays & more. The MSP-EXP430G2 LaunchPad also comes with 2 MSP430 devices, with up to 16kB Flash, 512B RAM, 16MHz CPU speed and integrated peripherals such as 8ch 10-bit ADC, timers, serial communication (UART, I2C & SPI) & more!

You can browse all documentation online with TI Resource Explorer and start development with the online CCS Cloud IDE. DE1 Development and Education Board. M32F4DISCOVERY. FAQs. Table of Contents: The Raspberry Pi is a credit-card-sized computer that plugs into your TV and a keyboard.


It is a capable little computer which can be used in electronics projects, and for many of the things that your desktop PC does, like spreadsheets, word processing, browsing the internet, and playing games. It also plays high-definition video. We want to see it being used by adults and children all over the world to learn programming and digital making. You can read more about the Raspberry Pi here. The Raspberry Pi Foundation is a charity, so you can’t buy shares in the company. You can buy a Raspberry Pi from our main distributors, Premier Farnell/Element14 and RS Components/Allied Electronics. The Model A+ costs $20, the Model B+ costs $25, the Pi 2 costs $35, the Pi 3 costs $35, and the Pi Zero costs $5, plus local taxes and shipping/handling fees.

You get the Raspberry Pi board itself. The components we buy are priced in dollars, and we negotiate manufacturing in dollars. 4. Precision by DefaultShapeoko.
