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7 Psychoactive Substances to Expand Your Mind. List of misconceptions about illegal drugs. LSD[edit] Some of the strangest urban legends told are those about lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD), a potent psychedelic drug that gained popularity in several countries in the 1960s and 1970s, and experienced a brief resurgence in the mid to late 1990s before declining from 2000 onward. The drug's relation to the 1960s counterculture was likely part of the reason for such legends. Attempted murder[edit] "Anyone caught selling LSD can be charged with attempted murder. " This is a common urban legend that the psychotropic effect of LSD is such an extreme danger to human life that the seller could face charges of attempted murder or manslaughter. Babysitter places baby in the oven while high on LSD[edit] This is an unverifiable drug-scare story dating to the 60s of a hippie babysitter girl putting a baby in the oven and a turkey in the bassinet.

Bad LSD[edit] A "bad trip" is easily caused by an expectation or fear of ill effects, which may later be blamed on "bad acid. " "Bananadine" LSD[edit] Top 10 Bizarre But True Drugs And Their Effects. Health Seeking the ultimate high, people have ingested all kinds of bizarre chemicals and plants through history. Fortunately they have related (those who lived anyway) their experiences so we can now recount them to you.

Prepare to be shocked by some of the contents on this list – you will almost certainly not know the drugging abilities of the majority of these. They may not be the most pleasant alternatives for when you run out of weed, but they certainly work. This list starts off with quite a bang, so get reading. Anafranil (clomipramine) Anafranil is an anti-depressant that causes people to have orgasms every time they yawn. Yes, this pesticide – which has now been made illegal in many countries, can produce feelings somewhat like Ecstasy (Hear that environmentalists?? DIPT is a tryptamine that affects auditory (sound-based) functions. Saffron is a flower used as a food additive. It’s not just for cats anymore! Various Venoms and Poisons Source: The Disinformation Book of Lists. Utopian Pharmacology : Chemical Research Into the Human Condition.

Responding to Difficult Psychedelic Experiences. Substance Abuse Symptoms - Part 7. Seeking the Truth : Hallucinogens. Entheogenesis, Shamanism, and Psychonautics. Psychedelics.