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Openid. OAuth — An open protocol to allow secure API authorization in a simple and standard method from desktop and web applications. Forms Authentication with Active Directory. This article and sample code explains how you can take advantage of Active Directory in Web applications for authenticate and authorize the Web site users.

Forms Authentication with Active Directory

Configure the Web Application for Forms Authentication: a) IIS Configuration:In Virtual Directories properties Click the Directory Security tab, and then click the Edit button in the Anonymous access group. Select the Anonymous access check box and click on Edit button and clear the Allow IIS to control password check box. HTTP Authentication with HTML forms : Paul James. Authentication in Web applications has been highjacked, HTTP defines a standard way of providing authentication but most apps use the evil spawn of Netscape, otherwise known as cookies.

HTTP Authentication with HTML forms : Paul James

Why is this? Cookies aren't designed for authentication, they're a pain to use for it, insecure unless you know what you're doing, non-standard, and unRESTful. Warning: The solution outlined in this article is experimental and might be a complete lie, be warned that your mileage may/will vary. The main reason people walk away from using HTTP authentication is that they want control over the look of the login form and most browsers display an awful looking dialog box. So what we need is a way for HTML forms to pass HTTP auth data when it's submitted.