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Slay Your Day - Profound Coach. What are you going to do to slay your day?!

Slay Your Day - Profound Coach

Are you facing a large fire breathing dragon? Wondering how you are going to conquer this dragon? For me, this quote says it all: “Focus on the possibilities for success, not on the potential for failure.” — Napoleon Hill After all, it’s only a dragon! If you focus your mindset on overcoming the biggest challenge in your day instead of focusing on the daunting feeling of defeat that may be creeping into your mind, you are putting your energy in a direction that can only produce a triumphant and positive outcome.

Live Your Life With Abandon.... - Profound Coach. Live your life with abandon….

Live Your Life With Abandon.... - Profound Coach

It’s been a difficult few months for most people with the uncertainty of the pandemic. You might feel like your emotions are on high alert. You also might be feeling a bit lost not having a regular schedule and routine in place. Profound Coach. How ProFound Coaching Is Helping Miriam Find Her Next Adventure - Profound Coach. “[ProFound Coaching] has opened my mind to a new way of thinking.”

How ProFound Coaching Is Helping Miriam Find Her Next Adventure - Profound Coach

Career transitioning isn’t easy for anyone. It’s a time of uncertainty, fear and self-doubt. Many people try to transition themselves from one job to the next, which is hard enough, while also dealing with all the emotions and inner conflict that comes with leaving one place for another. Welcome To ProFound Coaching Online! How Powerplay Sports and Entertainment Went From Scary Dream To Success Story - Profound Coach. “ProFound Coaching gave me the confidence to start my business and succeed.” – Keith Fong, Hong Kong ProFound Coaching is in the business of helping people realize their dreams, whether it’s in a career, starting a new business, or creating a better life.

How Powerplay Sports and Entertainment Went From Scary Dream To Success Story - Profound Coach

Now ProFound Coaching can be accessed everywhere at There you will find courses and programs that will help you find career alignment to your personality, analyses of what the best careers are for you, learn how to start a business, executive and individual career services, and so much more. Anyone, anywhere can take advantage of the programs, courses and services available at

The Benefits Of Membership! Profound Coach. Welcome To ProFound Coaching Online, Expert, Affordable Career And Leadership Training Now 24/7 Around The World. We’re excited to announce the public launch of our latest product, ProFound Coaching online, the accumulation of 20 years of executive and professional career coaching experience, now from one easy to use, affordable platform, available everywhere.

Welcome To ProFound Coaching Online, Expert, Affordable Career And Leadership Training Now 24/7 Around The World

It has taken us months to build our latest flagship platform for ProFound training courses. Courses and services include programs to improve your career, your leadership skills, building a business, and ultimately, skills to increase your success in your job search. Take the Dream Big Career Coaching Program and walk away feeling enlightened on your career purpose, your strengths, your transferrable skills, how to create the tools you need to become more successful in your job search including how to get out to market feeling empowered with ultimate success. ProFound courses are made for people from every walk of life and at every level, from C-Suite tools to tools for students and those starting out, and everyone in between.

Executive & Professional Recruiting. Have you ever weighed the true cost to your business?

Executive & Professional Recruiting

With every business decision you need to weigh every pro and con. Margins of error are small for everything you do, and this might go especially for the people you hire. There are any number of ways to bring people into your organization, with some methods having much higher success rates than others. I wanted to address the internal recruiter vs external recruiter dilemma. Internal Recruiter First, you need to hire an internal recruiter. DO YOU HAVE A MILLION THINGS ON THE GO?! Improve Your Odds With A Great Resume.

Getting the first interview becomes less a game of chance with a strong resume.

Improve Your Odds With A Great Resume

Ah, the resume. Almost everyone hates making a resume or updating a resume. One of the hardest things to do yourself is to present yourself to recruiters in the best light. For the same reasons that it’s hard to write or talk about yourself, the resume presents some unique challenges for anyone. To presenting your personality, your work history, and your x-factor on paper takes work. On the face of it, writing and laying out a good resume doesn’t sound hard. SHARING MY KNOWLEDGE WITH YOU! ❤️ Executive & Professional Recruiting. Sure, coronavirus has upset the world, but what about loneliness?

Executive & Professional Recruiting

Even before the coronavirus pandemic hit, people around the world were in the throes of an even bigger dis-ease: loneliness. Down the generations and down the centuries, pure loneliness might have been embraced by the odd poet, religious essayist, and Trappist monk. But for the ordinary person in the modern world, boredom and loneliness runs deeper than any boardgame or movie can fix.

What your loneliness needs is a purpose. So now that we are forced into isolation, kept away from family and friends, with only our trusty pets at our sides, how badly is modern mental health being affected? On the subject of isolation and modern loneliness, Yahoo Finance says, “In 2020 we are lonelier and more isolated than at any other point in our recorded past.

“But our isolation also makes us more vulnerable. Time Magazine points to the history of loneliness and a single strategy for curing loneliness: meaning. CONSISTENCY = RESULTS ✅ Executive & Professional Recruiting. No one achieves their potential without help from others.

Executive & Professional Recruiting

In the forward to his book Tools of Titans, the author Tim Ferriss quotes Arnold Schwarzenegger: “I am not a self-made man. Every time I give a speech at a business conference, or speak to college students, or do a Reddit AMA, someone says it. Executive & Professional Recruiting. That’s not an easy one to answer.

Executive & Professional Recruiting

But once you do, life becomes a whole lot better. Executive & Professional Recruiting. Look to nature and you’ll see a life lesson in the mighty bee. According to many, there is no reason a bee should be able to fly. Jack Fraser, Master’s Physics, University of Oxford says, “according to all known laws of aviation, there is no way that a bee should be able to fly. Its wings are too small to get its fat little body off the ground. The bee, of course, flies anyways. Because bees don’t care what humans think is impossible.” But the laws of nature are funny things, and the animal kingdom comes in every shape and form. The Naked Scientists website says, “bumblebees are the tanker trucks of the insect world, evolved to carry huge loads of pollen back to their hive.

So, the bumblebee goes against the grain and is built to be a marvel of aerodynamics and has made people reconsider what flight really means. SALES PROFESSION. Do Your Social Media Profiles Help You Find Work? - ProFound Talent. Your face to the world might need a bit of a refresh to maximize engagement and job offers. Trust. A five-letter word you can’t live without, especially when you’re looking for a job or contract work. Some people might have personal or business websites or use other platforms from which to sell their wares and services.

A good chunk of businesspeople today use LinkedIn to profile themselves, their experiences, and accomplishments. Because it’s your face to the world, and its purpose is to present you in an enriched resume format, I wanted to talk about how to get as much engagement as possible through your LinkedIn pages. Someone reached out to me not long ago to congratulate me on how complete my LinkedIn profile page was; the person could easily gather my background, accomplishments, endorsements, and the quality of my ideas and thinking through regular publishing of articles and videos that showcase the knowledge that myself and our firm has gathered over the years. CHAOS ➡️ CALM. Executive Recruiting The Right Way - ProFound Talent. Use experienced professional recruiters to get your best team on the field. I’ve never been a major league baseball manager. I’ve never put a major sporting team on the field. So, I wouldn’t really know a good player from a great player when it comes to baseball, or football, or hockey, or any sport.

All I would be left with is looking at player stats, and as any coach I’ve ever known or talked to says, stats only tell part of the picture. There are dimensions to people beyond pure athleticism that makes some individuals great and others only good or mediocre. □□‍♀️ROWING PAST THE LINE□□‍♀️ What Are Your Transferrable Skills? - ProFound Talent. And how do you break from your resume history to persuade a recruiter to give you a shot at a new, golden opportunity? Not unlike a Hollywood movie star, it’s easy to be typecast in your role and your career based on what you’ve done previously.

Obviously to get a job, you need to show a track record and experience in your line of work. Yet this track record of narrow expertise in any field can work against you, especially if you are forced by circumstances or your own mid-life crisis to try something new. You’ll likely have the HR department scratching their heads if you apply for a role for which you have little or no direct experience. But it’s a bit like telling Jim Carrey that he can’t do a serious role because he was so well known for comedies. The point being you also have transferrable skills. The added trouble here, with applying for jobs, is that if you apply for something outside of your experience, 99.9% of recruiters are going to toss you to the ‘no’ pile.

Why A Good Career Coach Matters - ProFound Talent. Strong mentorship means retraining your brain to achieve your potential. A good career coach: What does that look like? With so many individual consultants and companies offering career and life coaching, it can be difficult to understand who a good career coach is and who might be wasting your time and even hindering your progress towards your goals. Being a good career coach isn’t about being a cheerleader for your dreams and potential, though that is indeed part of it. A good career coach will challenge your assumptions about yourself, your way of thinking about yourself, other people, and the world. In other words, a good career coach is in the business of rewiring your brain and the patterns of behaviour that are probably in the way of you being your most successful and best self. The absolute truth of the matter is that while we all come from different backgrounds and families, we all have been wired to think in certain ways, from family, loved ones, teachers, and friends.

THE STRUGGLES OF FINDING A JOB. How To Deal With A Narcissistic Boss - ProFound Talent. Your people management skills will come in handy when you can spot the sociopaths and functional psychopaths among leaders. It’s become a well-known fact that’s turned into an adage that psychopaths and CEO’s have a lot in common. What might not be so obvious a fact is that the narcissists inside the C-Suite, if they are in fact narcissists, are basically sociopathic or psychopathic in tendency. The checklist for NPD (Narcissistic Personality Disorder) consists of nine major personality dimensions. Having five of these qualities or more is considered criteria for narcissistic psychopathy.

True narcissists are the most damaging (and damaged) people you will ever meet, wreaking havoc in lives and business while basically getting away with their behaviour because most people don’t know how to spot the narcissistic psychopathy right in front of their eyes. Why I'm so attracted to the word "ATTRACTION" Let’s Build The Economy Around Good Jobs - ProFound Talent. The Harvard Business Review says it’s time to invest in people. A recent Harvard Business Review article recently caught my eye, titled “Rebuilding the Economy Around Good Jobs”, which makes the case that the economy relies heavily, too heavily, on ‘bad jobs’, those that require people to take substandard wages, which results in low productivity, low morale, and high turn over.

ACCOUNTABILITY. Air Travel In The Time Of Covid-19 - ProFound Talent. With business currently grounded, what’s next for air travel and the airline industry? It’s fly or die time for the airline industry. With over 60 percent of airplanes now grounded because of Covid-19, the industry has experienced an economic crash unseen in our time. The world has been addicted to air travel for decades, with many business leaders and employees forced by necessity and habit, to climb aboard the closest jet.

TALK THE COMPANY LINGO. Looking Beyond Coronovirus - ProFound Talent. Better ways of working include new opportunities in recruiting. The best time to hire the best people at the best price is now. There is hardly anything good about a pandemic. How To Interview Over Live Video - ProFound Talent. DON'T BE A STRANGER; SAY HI. Eric Schmidt Says “Never Bet Against America” - ProFound Talent. The tech guru says some sectors will grow fast into the future as supply chains shorten and tighten.

Former Google Chairman, Eric Schmidt, says that the health and education of the world is going online, and will transform how we access the growing world of e-everything, from banking, going to your doctor, or going to school. STANDOUT FROM THE CROWD. Signs You Might Need To Be A Better Boss - ProFound Talent. Many leaders need a lesson in how to build a culture of loyalty. The Best Ways To Market For Top Talent - ProFound Talent. The old ways are out of date with the speed of change in the digital realm.

But your story matters more than ever. Marketing has changed more in the past 10 years than in the previous 100. Finding Your Motivation - ProFound Talent. Shockingly, being alone means finding ways to motivate yourself. ARE YOU UNMOTIVATED? What Does It All Mean? - ProFound Talent. With some jurisdictions prepared to partially open in stages, what does regular business look like now? KEEPING TO YOUR TRUE SELF. Achieving A Great Dream Takes Work, But It’s In You To Do - ProFound Talent. WHAT'S YOUR DREAM? How Do I Find The Right Career For Me? - ProFound Talent. THE REALITY OF TODAY'S MARKET.

How Do You Know You’re In The Right Career? - ProFound Talent. DON'T JUST DO IT. New Occupational Health And Safety Rules In The Workplace - ProFound Talent. WHAT'S THE VALUE OF YOUR PROMISE? An Alternative To Layoffs? Look Into Work Sharing - ProFound Talent. How Can We Effectively Support Our Colleagues In This Time? - ProFound Talent. How Are People Reconnecting Their Companies To Survive? - ProFound Talent. FOUR TIPS IF YOU'RE WAITING FOR AN OPPORTUNITY. Rethinking What’s Worth Your Time - ProFound Talent. □MAKING LEMONADE OUT OF LEMONS□ We Could All Use A Little Coaching - ProFound Talent. Alan Watts - Stop Chasing What You Think Will Make You Happy. Love, Laughter, Smiles - ProFound Talent.

HAPPY HOUR INTERVIEW? Take Care Of Your Mental Health - ProFound Talent. PICK A CARD. Profound Books For Inspiration And Escape - ProFound Talent. We can help you find your wings. 3 Easy Ways To Refresh Yourself That Won’t Cost Even A Penny - ProFound Talent. Executive & Professional Recruiting. SHOWER THOUGHTS□□ This Is Your Time To Prepare - ProFound Talent. THE TRUTH BEHIND HEADHUNTING. How To Take Care Of Yourself And Others - ProFound Talent. HEY EVERYONE! PROFOUND HAS GREAT NEWS! H.E.R. - #TogetherAtHome Concert Series. Executive & Professional Recruiting. BEHAVIOURAL ASSESSMENT. YouTube. Strengthening Your Immunity From Head To Toe - ProFound Talent. Executive & Professional Recruiting. Leadership In A Crisis - ProFound Talent. Are You Robbing Yourself Of A Great Match? - ProFound Talent. Great Customer Service Is All About Communication - ProFound Talent. INTERNATIONAL WOMEN'S DAY!

Looking Put Together On A Budget - ProFound Talent. Are You Striking It Rich With Talent? - ProFound Talent. Making Connections - ProFound Talent. UNTRUTHFUL LEADERSHIP. Executive & Professional Recruiting. Commercial Project Manager - Edmonton & Calgary - ProFound Talent. Executive & Professional Recruiting. Confidential Search - Distribution Manager - ProFound Talent. STRATEGIES IN BUSINESS & LEADERSHIP.

Executive & Professional Recruiting. 11 Essential Leadership Principles And How To Develop Them - ProFound Talent. The Latest from ProFound Talent. THE ART OF MAKING SOMETHING HAPPEN. Executive & Professional Recruiting. Sampa The Great - Energy (feat. Nadeem Din-Gabisi) ProFound Talent is a Certified Women's Business Enterprise. One of a select 300 companies in Canada. Take Your Hiring to the Next Level - ProFound Video Recruiting & Optimization. Executive & Professional Recruiting.