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Downloads - Internet Utilities - Freeway Pro. Basic publishing workflow with Drupal 6 | Webscaped. Recently the workflow module has been released for Drupal 6. I thought I’d share a quick tutorial on how to make a workflow that: Allows anonymous users to post news Generate an email to site administrators Redirect the anonymous user to a thankyou page. Allow for site administrators to skip the above when they themselves post content. For this, we’ll need the following: I also have PathAuto enabled, to clean up my urls. Make sure you have the Token, Token Actions and Workflow modules installed add enabled. Create a news content type Login as an administrator, click “Administer” and then “Content types”. Now that has been created, lets allow anonymous users to add some news.

Now, if you logout, you should be able to add a news item. Not too user friendly. Create a Workflow Go back to the administer section, under “Site Building” click “Workflow” Click “Add workflow” Call it your new workflow “News Publishing” Select the “News Publishing” workflow for the news content type. Save the content. Ok. Daniel Fleuti - Text & Kommunikation.

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