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The most creative garment printing agency. Ever.

10 Culinary Trends that Will Get Your Guests Talking. A friend once said to me “It doesn’t matter if you have Lana del Rey singing live on stage, if you run out of ice that’s what everyone is going to talk about the next day.”

10 Culinary Trends that Will Get Your Guests Talking

Event planning can be quite unforgiving, months of planning may go down the drain if an attendee eats an unappetising hors d’oeuvre or there are just not enough drinks and people go thirsty. When ordering food and drinks for an event, planners must handle a delicate balance between preferences, budgets and quantities. Creative Ideas for 2015 Christmas Marketing Campaigns. Christmas is an excellent time to push your business forward with a creative marketing campaign.

Creative Ideas for 2015 Christmas Marketing Campaigns

With the holidays approaching, your customers are looking forward to connecting with friends and family – not to mention gift ideas and promotions. This means plenty of opportunities for start-ups and entrepreneurs to jump on. With all of that in mind, we have put together a holiday season guide with tips on growth, customer retention and raising brand awareness. 100 Brilliant UK Venues for a Perfect Event. You probably don’t need me to tell you that event planning can be quite hectic.

100 Brilliant UK Venues for a Perfect Event

With all those tight budgets, expectations and deadlines, I’m surprised that anyone tries to get into event planning, at all. But then again, there’s people for everything, I guess. How Startups Could Use Their Workspace More Efficiently. Simply put, there are two ways to make your business a more efficient one: by caring about employees and the space they work in.

How Startups Could Use Their Workspace More Efficiently

Keeping that in mind, Lilli Hender from paves the path to efficiency with five easy steps. The Best Rewarded Online T-shirt Design Competitions. To a young and up and coming designer, winning a design contest does not only mean a cash prize, but also exposure.

The Best Rewarded Online T-shirt Design Competitions

Participating in these types of competitions gives people entering the business a priceless opportunity to showcase their work, and of course start their personalised t-shirts business. The Best Online Competitions for T-shirt Designers There are all kinds of design contests out there, some are only designed to get graphic design for free while others do have more noble intentions and care about the participants.

Below we offer a list of currently running t-shirt design competitions. Choose wisely and your career could be directed towards success. The Power Behind Brand Archetypes. It might sound like the name of some hipster band, but actually, Brand Archetypes are a powerful tool that might help you develop your brand in ways you didn’t think possible?

The Power Behind Brand Archetypes

What are they? How do they work? Line Art Logos: The Next Big Thing? When I saw the pop up on my MacBook Air asking me to upgrade my 2013 OS X Mavericks to the new 2014 OS X Yosemite, I was excited – that is, until I actually downloaded it.

Line Art Logos: The Next Big Thing?

Upon noticing that Apple had transformed their beloved 3-D icons to simple flat icons, I was disappointed. I immediately thought, what is Apple doing? 5 Worn Out Vintage Brand Logos that Look Better than the Original. London, UK: Vintage and retro styling is everywhere these days.

5 Worn Out Vintage Brand Logos that Look Better than the Original

It’s becoming more and more common to see designers recreating a worn out, rustic, shabby-chic style for their products and logos. Often a company will pay to advertise on a billboard somewhere and forget about it, leaving the poster to decay over time. But the resulting timeworn logo has become fashionable. #T-shirt Tuesday: Neon T-shirts. Best 2015 Super Bowl Commercials. London, UK: Every year as the legendary Super Bowl seems to inch closer to kick-off the talk of the commercials during the breaks gets full of prediction and eagerness.

Best 2015 Super Bowl Commercials

Which is going to be the best? Which is going to be the funniest? Those questions are not easy to answer as a Super Bowl commercial lasting 30 seconds is worth a reported 4.5 million dollars (or 3 million pounds) so there is bound to be some fierce competition. With an estimated 120 million viewers it is self explanatory that brands will fight to be the most talked about commercial of the moment. Depending on the brand, each the Super Bowl commercial will try to get a different reaction from the audience.

Throughout the years, we have seen some very entertaining and humorous commercial and this year was no different. So here is the list of the Super Bowl commercials that entertained me and made me laugh the most! #Tshirt Tuesday: Iconic Rock T-shirts. London, UK: Long past are the days of the great rock and roll bands like AC/DC, Led Zeppelin, and The Rolling Stones.

#Tshirt Tuesday: Iconic Rock T-shirts

Festival T-shirts 2014: Leeds Festival Line-up. London, UK: Festival line-ups are great, and the Leeds festival offers one of the best every year. This weekend was surely already meant to be a special one having the summer bank holiday. But getting a day off work isn’t the only thing that makes this weekend so great, it is the fact that the Leeds Festival falls on the same weekend! How Festival Technology Can Enhance your Attendee’s Experience. London UK: Long gone are the days when festival technology meant carrying around Polaroid cameras that could only manage around eight pictures per-pack with a weight of around 2.5 pounds. Nowadays, the majority of festival goers use smartphones for taking pictures, which weigh only a few ounces, can hold over 5,000 photos and pack an almighty social marketing punch.

While many music lovers reminisce about the ‘good old days’ when the festival experience was very different, with limited festival technology and commercialization, we are unlikely to ever return to those days, and new technologies should be embraced as tools to enhance the music festival experience. Here are three key ways in which festival technology has been put to good use to help improve your event experiences this summer. Wearable Technology and Interactive Wristbands. World Cup: Why Ambush Marketing is Winning the Battle for Brazil 2014. London UK: This year, 3.6 million people around the world will tune into the World Cup. That is nearly 50% of the world’s population and a huge amount of exposure for brands looking to get their slice of world cup pie. It is easy to understand why companies spend millions to become official sponsors but, in the end, it is FIFA who ultimately decide who they will have as partners and sponsors.

Most of the time they sign the sponsors to multiple World Cups, which really frustrates the opposition that are also trying to reap the benefits of being an official sponsor. Ultimate World Cup Survival Guide for People Who Don’t Like Football. London UK: Every four years, you might feel like in our score-based-sports-obsessed-society, you’re the only one who doesn’t want to stop all activities and stare absentmindedly at a group of men running from one side of a field to the other, but you’re not. According to this survey 21% of people are not intending to see England’s first match of this year’s World Cup.

An entire month of incessant chatter, marketing plots and filled pubs with only one goal in mind - FOOTBALL! The Top 3 Marketing Mistakes of All Time - Printsome Blog. T-shirt Design: Who is Going to Buy the Versace World Cup T-shirt? T-shirts in Movies: Creative Marketing and Brand Placement. London UK: At some point everyone has longed to be a character from a movie and brand placement makes it just that little bit easier to get the look at least. I always wanted to drive fast cars and pull ridiculous stunts like Brian O’Conner in the Fast and Furious series. We might lack the talent, courage and equipment but nevertheless we will try to be like them. Unfortunately the closest I was ever going to get was maybe wearing the same clothes.

Marketers recognise our attention to detail in the characters clothing and our attitude towards the character as a perfect way to raise brand awareness and use the character as a brand ambassador. Characters that usually receive a positive attitude from the audience are ideal for brand placement. Whenever a character makes an impact on us, we always keep in mind what they wore and the brand they were representing.

Another example in the Fast and Furious series is The Rock wearing an Under Armour t-shirt for most of his screen time. Blog - Awesome content for your entertainment. T shirt Printing UK, t shirt printing online, custom t shirts UK.