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Copper inflated by $6.3 billion in unending exports mystery-Metals & Mining-Ind'l Goods / Svs-News By Industry. In value terms, that is $6.3 billion - increase to $8.1 billion, from $1.8 billion - of unexplained copper exports.

Copper inflated by $6.3 billion in unending exports mystery-Metals & Mining-Ind'l Goods / Svs-News By Industry

Higher copper prices don't fully explain it as that increase in 2010-11 was only 33%. So, ET went top-down and knocked on each of the four links in the copper chain, but neither data nor officials could justify this sharp rise. @Sol_Icon Solar Polaris.


@Ark_Angel_EYE. @Psi_Lithium. @GoldArk_Angel. Diamonds & @Dia_MondeX. @NINO_Carbon. @Bio_Pharms. @Algae_Bio. @Atmos_Geo. @Safe_X DraGunZ VaultZ. @Uni_Coin Affiliate Programs. GoldenFingerZ. DRAGUN COINZ @Uni_Coin. London bullion market - Wiki. The physical characteristics of gold and silver bars used in settlement in market is described by the Good Delivery specification which is a set of rules issued by the LBMA.

London bullion market - Wiki

It also puts forth requirements for listing on the LBMA Good Delivery List of approved refineries. Gold trading[edit] Market size[edit] The bulk of global trading in gold and silver is conducted on the over-the-counter (OTC) market. London is by far the largest global centre for OTC transactions followed by New York, Zurich, and Tokyo.