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10 Useful iPhone Keyboard Shortcuts, Tips and Tricks. Whether you've taken to the iPhone's touchscreen keyboard like a duck to water, or are more of a one-finger-at-a-time typist, there are plenty of shortcuts, tips and tricks that can improve your iTyping experience. Here, we've rounded up ten useful ways to be faster and more productive with your iPhone's keyboard. We hope these tricks are handy for anyone new to the platform, or those who have not had the time to really experiment. Ranging from basic how-tos to more advanced trickery, have a read of our ten tips below, and do share any keyboard-, language- or other text entry-related hints you've discovered on your iDevice in the comments. 1. HOW TO: Add an International Keyboard iOS4 has more language options than ever before.

From the home screen, go to "Settings," then "General," then scroll down to see "Keyboard" and tap this option. 2. If you don't quite see the need to add an international keyboard, but will occasionally need to use special symbols, then there's a quick way to do it. Web 2.0, Trends, social media and mobile. Monitoring et outils. 2-Social Networks. Apps for social media. Outils de veille. Entreprise 2.0. Transparence. Mind mapping online. Logiciels. Construire un système d'information. C# Concurrency - How do I know if a C# method is thread safe. Jeux / Games. Test applications. Couverture du code. Web. Documentation. Magento.


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