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Javascript animated typing, with no dependencies. Verekia/js-stack-from-scratch: Step-by-step tutorial to build a modern JavaScript stack from scratch. A Simple Route to Writing a React.js App in a WordPress Plugin. Ly Academy. Codecademy Launches Free ReactJS Courses – WordPress Tavern. Codecademy, the free interactive coding education site, has launched a new ReactJS course. For the past five years, the site’s free, self-guided courses have attracted more than 25 million students.

Codecademy recently partnered with the White House as part of the TechHire initiative to promote more diverse entrepreneurship in the tech industry through coding education. The site’s catalog includes basic courses like HTML and CSS fundamentals and programming language courses for JavaScript, Ruby, Python, and PHP. In August 2014, the learning environment at Codecademy was overhauled to use React.js and members have been asking for a React course since that time.

React.js Introduction For People Who Know Just Enough jQuery To Get By · React for Designers. Updates: Jul 15, 2016: Updated for React 15.

React.js Introduction For People Who Know Just Enough jQuery To Get By · React for Designers

I also heard React.js was good and recently spent some time playing with it. Now that I’m pretty comfortable with React, I decided to write a tutorial on this subject. Target Audience: People Who Know Just Enough jQuery to Get by. Slick - the last carousel you'll ever need. Set up your HTML markup.

slick - the last carousel you'll ever need

<div class="your-class"><div>your content</div><div>your content</div><div>your content</div></div> Move the /slick folder into your project Add slick.css in your <head> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="slick/slick.css"/> // Add the new slick-theme.css if you want the default styling <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="slick/slick-theme.css"/>

How React Do? I like doing things from total scratch, or at least what seems like total scratch to me.

How React Do?

For this reason a lot of modern javascript has baffled me. I can’t keep up with all the frameworks because I always want to know what’s going on at the root of things. I think this is maybe a laudable impulse, but I have a lot of FOMO with all the new hotnesses because I just don’t have the patience or time to learn all the API’s before some other thing comes along. In practice, I really would like to be better at javascript, but the number of possible entry points can be overwhelming. Introduction - vue.js. Sponsored By What is Vue.js?

Introduction - vue.js

Vue (pronounced /vjuː/, like view) is a progressive framework for building user interfaces. Unlike other monolithic frameworks, Vue is designed from the ground up to be incrementally adoptable. The core library is focused on the view layer only, and is very easy to pick up and integrate with other libraries or existing projects. On the other hand, Vue is also perfectly capable of powering sophisticated Single-Page Applications when used in combination with modern tooling and supporting libraries. A Comprehensive Look at jQuery Selectors. This article was peer reviewed by Matt Smith and Tim Severien.

A Comprehensive Look at jQuery Selectors

Thanks to all of SitePoint’s peer reviewers for making SitePoint content the best it can be! Whether you want to manipulate the content of an element on a web page, attach an event to it, or do something else, you will need to select it first. IziModal.js. Barba.js. Barba.js uses PJAX (aka push state ajax) to enhance the user's experience.


This technique consist of preventing the normal link behavior, changing the browser url manually, and manually injecting the new content in the page. In this way there will be no browser "hard refresh". Here is a walkthrough of what happens when the user clicks a link: Check if the link is valid and eligible for PJAX. If yes, prevent the normal browser behavior. An Introduction To Redux. Redux1 is one of the hottest libraries in front-end development these days.

An Introduction To Redux

However, many people are confused about what it is and what its benefits are. As the documentation2 states, Redux is a predictable state container for JavaScript apps. To rephrase that, it’s an application data-flow architecture, rather than a traditional library or a framework like Underscore.js and AngularJS. Adam-s/js-interview-review: The JS interview review. As I'm reviewing several resources I've bookmarked on JavaScript development, I'll share them here. Vanilla List: The Vanilla Javascript Repository. Easy Fullscreen HTML5 Background Video. Simplified JavaScript Jargon. Why React? Why not Angular 2? – Angularity. As Angular 1.x gets older and Angular 2 picks up steam, many 1.x developers are wondering what to do next.

Why React? Why not Angular 2? – Angularity

Should you pick Angular 2? Maybe React? Tools to Learn JavaScript By Doing -Telerik Developer Network. …or how solving code puzzles can be your path to enlightenment.

Tools to Learn JavaScript By Doing -Telerik Developer Network

Whenever I’m asked how a developer can learn more about a particular language, I stress that it’s crucial to find the technique that works best for you. Most folks can think of a few immediate ways to pick up a new language: BooksConferencesClassroom study While these work, they’ve always had a few drawbacks for me. When it comes to books, I find that they are only effective if I read them while I’m sitting by my computer. List.js - Search, sort, filters, flexibility to tables, list and more! 12 Experts to Help Jumpstart Your JavaScript Learning. JavaScript is a red-hot topic for WordPress developers right now and for many, diving more fully into the language is a New Year’s resolutions.

12 Experts to Help Jumpstart Your JavaScript Learning

As WordPress looks set to move away from its reliance on PHP thanks to the emergence of the REST API and’s Calypso desktop app, it’s a race to find the right resources to learn JavaScript. And while some people learn best reading written tutorials, others study better socially. So in this article, we’ll introduce you to 12 coding gurus you can follow to jumpstart your year of JavaScript learning. A Guide to 2016 Front End Conferences. It's difficult to keep track of all of the great talks and conferences happening in our industry. Sometimes you may find out too late that an event is taking place, and it's a real shame when it's an something you might have attended.

We've compiled this list so you can see what's happening, both in your hometown, and abroad. This list will be updated throughout the year. January. HugoGiraudel/SJSJ. Jump.js. jQuery's Relevancy - There and Back Again -Telerik Developer Network. Because of the mounting you-don’t-need-jQuery sentiment as of late, I can’t help but think we have forgotten the basic value of jQuery. So I think it is time to remember. In this article, I’m going to remind everyone what exactly jQuery is, because I believe that jQuery is as relevant today as it was when it was first written. Xavi/miss-plete. BackstopJS: Automated screenshot tests for responsive sites. AllThingsSmitty/jquery-tips-everyone-should-know.

Williamngan/roll. Recipes for Randomness in JavaScript. Random behaviour is often required in JavaScript, from drawing stars scattered across the night sky to animating chaotic attractors. But there are many different kinds of randomness, and the type you need will differ depending on the application. Basic Randomness. Justified.js. About Justified.js jQuery Plugin to Create Justified Images Grid Justified.js is a jQuery plugin that creates a justified image grid of supplied images. Fill all the spaces! This ineffect creates a elegant image gallery with various sizes of images, where all the images of a row to have the same height. Ideally, Justified.js tries to show images without modifying its aspect ratio and without cropping them. Rain & Water Effect Experiments. Popmotion - JavaScript animation, physics and input tracking. Babel · The transpiler for writing next generation JavaScript.

jQuery UI. A Gentle Introduction to Ember 2.0. ES6 Overview in 350 Bullet Points. jQuery Learning Center. 10 Free JavaScript Tools To Create Interactive Maps. Gratuit : Découvrir Meteor JS avec JavaScript sur Zenorocha/clipboard.js. Six Simple Mind Tricks to Help You Learn JavaScript Faster. Typeset.js – an HTML pre-processor for web typography. 25+ Free and Sought-After jQuery Plugins. What forces layout/reflow in Chrome. The comprehensive list. 01 - Premiers pas avec AngularJS (gratuit) avec AngularJS sur Getify/You-Dont-Know-JS. Want to learn JavaScript in 2015?

Comparing AngularJS and React. Mattdesl/promise-cookbook. Exploring Angular 2 by thoughtram. Learn the Single Page App Way. The State of Front-End Tooling – 2015 - - Blog and Portfolio for Ashley Nolan. JavaScript. Longevity (or Lack Thereof) in JavaScript Frameworks. The ES6 Conundrum. 3 animation techniques UX designers need to know. Les ressources JS de l'été : des task runner pour automatiser vos process. Create a new fiddle - JSFiddle. Lexical grammar. Référence JavaScript.

Backbone.js. Dynamics.js: JavaScript Physics-based Animations Library. 35+ Excellent jQuery Animation Techniques and Tutorials. Auto-Split Input Fields.