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40+ Great Moodle Tutorials for Teachers and Students. View. Les astuces sont publiées hebdomadairement par l'infolettre ProfwebExpresso et sont hébergées sur le site "Le monde en images" du CCDMD.


Voici ci-dessous la liste chronologique des astuces publiées: Différents rapports permettent à l'enseignant de voir quelles ressources ou activités sont consultées et qui fait quoi dans son cours. C'est le titre d'un fil de discussion lancé par Émilie Bouvrand dans le forum francophone de la communauté Moodle. C'est en cherchant l'inspiration que je suis tombé sur cet échange, qui vaut bien une vidéo: Comment ne faire afficher qu'une seule section dans son cours (et comment revenir à l'affichage par défaut). Astuce 21C'est petit, mais ça s'étire !

Astuce 20Intégrer un fichier MP3 dans MoodleL'ajout d'un fichier audio de format mp3 dans Moodle, c'est pas plus compliqué que l'ajout d'un PDF. Si vous n'utilisez jamais cet outil, peut-être voudrez-vous le supprimer, mais il risque de renaître dès que vous rafraîchirez votre fenêtre de cours. En résumé il faut. Utiliser MOODLE 1.9 et MOODLE 2 : Make your Moodle courses faster without fiddling with the server. [pulledquote]Whenever I am asked what do to make a Moodle site faster, I always end up talking about tweaking the server.

Make your Moodle courses faster without fiddling with the server

Often I miss the point as a significant amount of Moodle sites are hosted on servers that cannot be tweaked (e.g. GoDaddy 4GH, etc.), or by educators who simply don’t know how to setup a server. [/pulledquote] In this post, I explore a few simple ideas to help speed up Moodle courses without fiddling with the server, most of which can be done by a teacher. I also find out that some settings make no difference whatsoever. I have ordered my tips in decreasing order of importance i.e. the ones that really matter are at the top. For the impatient (spoiler) Things that impact performance Amount of blocks displayed on your course pages‘Show one section only’ in your course settingsImages in labelsAmount of sections, resources & activitiesActivity tracking & conditional activitiesForum tracking‘Theme designer’ mode‘Cache language strings’ option Blocks Recommendation(s): Themes.

PoodLL. Environnement numérique ... eXe. The eXe project developed a freely available Open Source authoring application to assist teachers and academics in the publishing of web content without the need to become proficient in HTML or XML markup.


Resources authored in eXe can be exported in IMS Content Package, SCORM 1.2, or IMS Common Cartridge formats or as simple self-contained web pages. eXe grew out of the ​New Zealand Government Tertiary Education Commission's eCollaboration Fund and was led by the ​University of Auckland, ​The Auckland University of Technology, and Tairawhiti Polytechnic. It was later supported by ​CORE Education, a New Zealand-based not-for-profit educational research and development organisation.

It has also been greatly assisted by a global group of participants and contributors. eXe was named a finalist in the New Zealand round of the ​IMS Global Learning Impact Awards 2008 and went on to claim a Leadership Award at the international judging. Course: Creating Student e-Portfolios with Google Sites. Guide des outils Moodle pour enseignants.