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Ui Parade - Live Tools. 10 Usability Tips for Web Designers. Simply put, usability is making your website easy for your visitors to find the information they need when they need it. A common misconception about usability amongst web companies is that usability is expensive. Yes, there are multi-national companies that spend thousands of dollars on usability tests and research, but for an everyday company usability is achievable without the knowledge of usability experts or without expensive equipment for testing. Web designers have an even easier job to do, just by reading usability articles they can accumulate a fairly good knowledge about usability basics and how to implement them on a website. 1.

A tagline is a statement or a motto that represents a company’s, or in our case a website’s, philosophy and mission. Statistics show that a website has just 8 seconds to capture a visitor’s attention for them to browse the site further. 2. As with taglines, site search is a very important element on a website. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Summary.


10 logiciels gratuits de capture d'?cran vid?o. Voici une liste très utile de logiciels de capture d’écran vidéo. Des applications qui permettent donc d’enregistrer en flux vidéo ce qui se passe sur l’écran d’un PC, afin de produire par exemple des vidéos de formation ou de support. Longtemps payants (et souvent assez chers), ces logiciels n’ont pas échappé à la vague du gratuit, et ce sont pas moins de 10 applications qui sont aujourd’hui disponibles. Les logiciels présentés dans cette liste ont tous été testés (au moins rapidement pour vérifier qu’ils fonctionnent toujours), même si certains présentent une interface d’un autre âge. Cela étant nous vous conseillons les plus récents ou les programmes connus et éprouvés, dont la réputation n’est plus à faire. Dans notre Top 3 : OBS, Snagit et Movavi. [Tuto du mardi] Faire un tutoriel avec capture d’écran vidéo sur Facebook Live (article original publié le 11 juin 2009, dernière mise à jour : 22/05/2018) 1.

Mise à jour du 22/05/2018. 2. O.S.: Windows, Mac OS X 3. O.S.: Windows 4. 5. 6. 7. Simple, Practical Color Theory. The mastery of color theory, relations and harmonies is one of the primary steps to uncovering the full beauty and potential of your images (in the realms of art, design and/or photography). Find out more in this simple, practical, colorful guide. Color Models Depending on your background and your purpose, you will view primary colors differently. There are three generally accepted models: RGB (red, green, blue), CMY (cyan, magenta, and yellow), and RYB (red, blue, yellow).

Primary color models can be divided into two categories: additive and subtractive. The additive primary colors are obtained by light: red, green and blue (RGB). The subtractive primary colors are obtained by the subtraction of light: cyan, magenta, and yellow (CMY). Color Model Application: RGB: Photography, video/film and design. CMYK: Print design. RYB: Art, painting and design. RGB and RYB Confused? Now that we’ve covered the various color models and their uses, we can proceed with confidence. RGB Color Model Monochromatic. Cartes de voeux pour Informaticiens !| Webmaster – Ressources et outils gratuits pour votre site internet – Free Tools| Free Tools, Le meilleur des outils gratuits pour webmaster.

PostPost. Clue ? A fun and easy way to test what people remember on your website. The Design Galaxy.