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AGindex2. Vojto1_pub_eclipse.jpg (JPEG Image, 1604x1130 pixels) - Scaled (47%) The invisible gorilla returns to show us how often we miss the obvious. All sizes | Rock 'N' Roll Metro Map v1.0. Modern Masonry: Cool Concrete Cabin + Warm Wood Patio. We tend to think of wood as a warm material appropriate to indoor spaces of a home and concrete in terms of cold building blocks best left to the driveway paving, retaining walls or an outdoor porch. This minimalist modern cabin reverses these conventions, with board-formed concrete shaping each room and wooden planks kept to outdoor deck spaces – and the effect is surprisingly comfortable-looking.

Stamped with the grain of the wood slats between which they were poured, the seamed concrete stripes along the walls and ceiling inside give the house a nice fine-grained scale of detail as well as a pleasing texture to the touch. Stairs, countertops and other elements fold and flow smoothly from the walls themselves, carefully planned by BAK Architects and constructed my masters of the material (with which crisp corners and sharp intersections are incredibly difficult to create). Thanks to nanotechnology, you'll never have a root canal again!

Picture. Actors in Character - Now That is Acting! Feb 21, 2011 / Category : Movies / 18 Comments There's no denying the fact that most of us have pretended to be actors. Photographer Howard Schatz, from Vanity Fair, took this idea one step further, place actors in a series of roles and dramatic situations to reveal the essence of their characters. Left: You're a priest in a hardscrabble factory-town parish, listening to your brother's son confess that he has killed a man. Center: You're a gangsta rapper being informed by a haughty bouncer that you are not on the list. Left: You're a father teaching his daughter to ride a bike, watching as she takes a header on her first solo try. Left: You're a factory foreman with $200 riding on the game, watching your team's placekicker muff a 23-yarder with 0:01 remaining. Left: You're the office toady, having a dutiful laugh over your boss's latest racist jokeand all too aware that everyone else at work hates you.

Left: You're a man whose daughter has been missing for two months.