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Sociology, critical and others

Facebook Twitter Continental Philosophy. Political Marxism and the Social Sciences. The Top Ten Percent policy is one of the key issues in the case filed by Abigail Fisher against the University of Texas now before the Supreme Court. Fisher alleges that her rejection from the University of Texas was based on discrimination due to her race (white). One of Fisher’s principal arguments is that the Top Ten Percent Rule has produced sufficient levels of diversity, i.e., that it already increases minority enrollment. A number of states such as California, Texas, and Florida have created “Top Ten Percent” (TTP) rules that guarantee admission to public universities for students who graduate in the top ten percent of their classes. In Texas, House Bill 588 created this rule in 1997 as a way to avoid the stipulations of the Hopwood v.

Texas case that barred the use of affirmative action in application decisions. ThickCulture. The following is a guest post by Concordia College sociology major Ryan Larson ’14.


After graduation, Ryan intends to pursue graduate study in sociology and criminology. He is also a huge hockey fan. Bağımsız Sosyal Bilimciler- İktisat Grubu. Making History. Emrah Göker'in İstifhanesi. Understanding Society.