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Interdisciplinary Teaching

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Co-Teaching in Action | Steve Mouldey. Secondary teachers primarily spend their time teaching their class, in their room, in their own personal way. One of our biggest concerns when starting to teach at Hobsonville Point Secondary School was around how the co-teaching (team teaching, whatever you want to call it) was going to operate. The major positive working in our favour was that while holding concerns, we were all keen to try it out.

This mindset held us well over the first year. We tried things out, worked on our teaching relationships, gave feedback and planned for how to improve our co-teaching. Most of the articles we could find online were about co-teaching relationships between special education teachers and classroom teachers but their co-teaching models were valuable for us. As we trialled out different ways of operating in our teaching teams we developed some different diagrams of what these looked like to develop some common language: Like this: Like Loading... The Best Way to Build Student E-Portfolios: Use Evernote. Although Evernote already is a fairly well-known app, very few educators realize its potential building and sharing student portfolios.

Having a well-organized e-portfolio is important: It can follow students from one grade to the next and prepare them to record their future accomplishments. There are plenty of ways to create an e-portfolio, and we feel Evernote is the best. Not only is it a feature-rich platform, but its free price tag also makes it a cost-effective solution for even the most frugal classrooms.

Why Evernote is the Ideal Tool for E-Portfolios Evernote lets you store digital content in nearly any format. You can save a document, photo, or recording. Scan in a stellar test, snap a picture of a completed art project, or record an oral presentation. Since it’s cloud-based, the app syncs your information across all devices.

Educational Technology and Mobile Learning highlights many important benefits to keeping a digital e-portfolio. Building the E-Portfolio. Deeper Learning: Why Cross-Curricular Teaching is Essential. It is time that teachers and administrators realize that public education has reached a dam in the river. We have gone about as far as we can go with isolated instruction and learning. While it may have served the purpose for the older generations, it does not meet the deeper learning needs of students today and tomorrow. Fortunately, deeper learning can be accelerated by consolidating teacher efforts and combining relevant contents, in effect, opening new spillways of knowledge.

Deep learning is like taking a long drought from a well of knowledge as opposed to only sipping from many different wells. Deep learning implies that students will follow a particular stream of inquiry to the headwaters, rather than simply sampling all the possible streams. Requirements Undaunted, educators are committed to providing students full access to the well of deep-learning knowledge that will unlock their potential. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Cross-Curricular Teams Aligned Cooperative Conceptual What About Students? What's the Maker Movement and Why Should I Care?

If something is worth doing, it's worth skipping lunch for. That may not be the official motto of Tracy Rudzitis's students at The Computer School in New York City, but it might as well be. On any given day, 50 of the sixth through eighth graders gather during lunchtime in the school's "Maker Space" to design their own video games, build robots, mix squishy circuit dough on a hot plate, or sew a wearable computer. Rudzitis is the digital media teacher at M.S. 245, The Computer School.

When it's not lunchtime, she teaches programming, information literacy, and design to the 350-plus middle school students. She says her experiences constantly remind her that children are capable of powerful ideas. The same type of excitement happens in Jim Tiffin's—classes at The Harley School in Rochester, New York. "When I first saw the 3D printer and the things we could make, it seemed so complicated," says Richard, who is in sixth grade at Harley. Why Make? Wearable Computers? Community Of Practice.