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Crown House Publishing - 472 - The Verse-ever Trip Around the UK. Flatland, by E. A. Abbott, 1884. A Romance of Many DimensionsWith Illustrations by the Author, A SQUARE (1838-1926) "Fie, fie how franticly I square my talk!

Flatland, by E. A. Abbott, 1884

" Second, revised edition, 1884 Dedication To The Inhabitants of SPACE IN GENERAL And H.C. Zones sensibles. Edwin A.

Zones sensibles

Abbott « Faites-vous aussi plat qu’une crêpe et glissez-vous dans ce livre, vous en ressortirez avec une fabuleuse conceptualisation de nos mœurs, de nos faiblesses et de nos chauvinismes, réalisée toutefois par le biais d’une métaphore indolore et par conséquent stimulante. Edwin A. Abbott prétend faire une chose mais en fait une autre en réalité. Sans vous méfier, vous vous approchez furtivement pour regarder par-dessus son épaule. C'est avec cette courte préface de Ray Bradbury que s'ouvre notre nouvelle édition d'un livre mythique : Flatland. Flatland: A romance of many dimensions.

With Illustrations by the Author, A SQUARE (Edwin A.

Flatland: A romance of many dimensions

Abbott 1838-1926) To The Inhabitants of SPACE IN GENERAL And H. C. IN PARTICULAR This Work is Dedicated By a Humble Native of Flatland In the Hope that Even as he was Initiated into the Mysteries Of THREE Dimensions Having been previously conversant With ONLY TWO So the Citizens of that Celestial Region May aspire yet higher and higher To the Secrets of FOUR FIVE OR EVEN SIX Dimensions Thereby contributing To the Enlargement of THE IMAGINATION And the possible Development Of that most rare and excellent Gift of MODESTY Among the Superior Races Of SOLID HUMANITY The first objection is, that a Flatlander, seeing a Line, sees something that must be thick to the eye as well as long to the eye (otherwise it would not be visible, if it had not some thickness); and consequently he ought (it is argued) to acknowledge that his countrymen are not only long and broad, but also (though doubtless in a very slight degree) thick or high. 1. 13. 1.


Book review: “Palladio” by Jonathan Dee. Those nice people at Constable & Robinson sent me a copy of Jonathan Dee’s early novel, “Palladio” to review (originally published in 2002 in the USA, it is being released in tandem with his new book “The Privileges”).

Book review: “Palladio” by Jonathan Dee

A dual narrative occupies the first two thirds of the novel, following the affectless Molly Howe from a small-town adolescence and into an adult life that she treats as little more than an opportunity for increasingly fraught emotional experiments. The other strand of the narrative follows John Wheelwright, an ad-man in a successful New York company who feels creatively paralysed by his work, but who’s polite Southern upbringing won’t allow him to express his dissatisfaction either to his girlfriend Rebecca or his work partner Roman.


English Literature: Early 17th Century (1603-1660) Beowulf. English Literature Essays Resources Links & Books. Quotes, Poems, Novels, Classics and hundreds more. - The Online Literature Library. Books & Literature Classics. Literature Links F. Indian English Literature. Indian English Literature pertains to that body of work by writers from India, who pen strictly in the English language and whose native or co-native language could be one of the numerous regional and indigenous languages of India.

Indian English Literature

English literature in India is also intimately linked with the works of associates of the Indian diaspora, especially with people like Salman Rushdie who was born in Indian but presently resides elsewhere. Development of Indian English Literature. Literarism.blogspost. Interview: Kerry Brown on China Books [Asian Review of Books] Edgar Allan Poe. Novel, Romance, and Gothic: Brief Definitions. Purposes To create terror To open fiction to the realm of the irrational—perverse impulses, nightmarish terrors, obsessions—lying beneath the surface of the civilized mind To demonstrate the presence of the uncanny existing in the world that we know rationally through experience.

Novel, Romance, and Gothic: Brief Definitions

Characters. Non, «Ulysse» de Joyce n'est ni long ni ennuyeux! Surfait, le Ulysse de James Joyce, que les fans du monde entier célèbrent ce 16 juin, alias «Bloomsday»?

Non, «Ulysse» de Joyce n'est ni long ni ennuyeux!

C'est ce qu'avance le journaliste et écrivain américain Ron Rosenbaum dans un article paru sur Slate où il s'amuse à dézinguer le classique du romancier irlandais. Prétentieux, fastidieux, interminable, raté, frimeur, Ulysse serait juste bon à jeter aux oubliettes de la littérature (à l'exception d'un seul chapitre, l'avant-dernier). Les arguments sont séduisants. The Other Writers’ Group. New time!!

The Other Writers’ Group

From 6th April the Other Writers’ Group is at 6.30pm-8.30pm every Sunday at Shakespeare & Company, 37 rue de la Bûcherie, 75005. Read Petra Novak’s article about The Other Writers’ Group at café This is a drop-in feedback workshop running almost every Saturday since February 2005 at Shakespeare & Company. It’s also the heart of the SpokenWord Paris scene, where a lot of the writers at SpokenWord get together and workshop their poems, stories and novels. Run by me, David Barnes (the founder) and Bruce Sherfield. Pygmalion by George Bernard Shaw - Read Online.


History. English_literature.