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L'espace. Les Quatorze Juments Et Le Cheval Du Monde » Légendes Bretonnes. - Culture et beauté Archive. Logiciels de go. Les éditeurs de parties Les parties sont habituellement stockées sous forme de fichiers de type "sgf".

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Vous pouvez aussi essayer Eidogo (lui aussi en php/javascript/css) ou goswf (qui est lui en flash). Les logiciels qui jouent Les logiciels gratuits Les logiciels commerciaux. Dans le monde - Pearltrees, ou la… - Point sur l'avancée… - La blague… En cette période de peu d'actualité médiatique française, entre Noël et le jour de l'An, je vous propose d'aller examiner la situation économique et financière européenne d'abord, mondiale ensuite.

Dans le monde - Pearltrees, ou la… - Point sur l'avancée… - La blague…

Je me reposerai pour la situation européenne sur les extraordinaires billets d'Edward Hugh, qui publie sur son blog Global Economy Matters comme sur le support collectif A Fistful of Euros - en anglais - et que je ne saurais trop vous recommander, tant pour la pertinence de ses analyses que pour la profondeur de celles-ci. Préambule Pour ce compte-rendu, je me place ici dans une perspective de soutien absolu aux systêmes économiques et sociaux actuels, capitalisme financiarisé à l'extrême, marché vu comme unique systême d'évaluation de la valeur, démocratie représentative et tout le tintouin des organisations internationales. La croissance sera donc considérée ici comme bonne et nécessaire, tout comme par ailleurs le maintien des innombrables structures sociales qui régissent notre monde. The Gifts for The Gifted Children « A Holistic View of The Human Being. Young children, particularly preschoolers, usually strike us as bright, full of wonder, eager to learn, and artistically inclined.

The Gifts for The Gifted Children « A Holistic View of The Human Being

They delight us by asking questions like little philosophers or by making playful, aesthetically pleasing paintings that sometimes resemble the work of 20th-century masters. Assuming a normal brain and home environment, these gifts are nature’s largesse to most children. Occasionally, however, we observe a child whose abilities so far outstrip those of the typical toddler that we realize not all preschoolers are genuinely gifted. The more extreme the gift, the rarer the child. Sadly, we know far less about such exceptional children than we do about those with exceptional deficits: retarded, emotionally disturbed, and learning-disabled children. What is The Meaning of “GIFTED”? Most use it interchangeably with “high IQ.” How rare are these children? Precocity seems to be associated with two other characteristics. Gifted children are also creative.


Framed Spontaneity: Teaching Resources from the Philosophy Shop. There are different approaches to classroom teaching, ranging from lecturing, which is highly structured, and controlled and directed by the instructor to other styles that are more open-ended and student-centered, hence putting more emphasis on the role and participation of the student body.

Framed Spontaneity: Teaching Resources from the Philosophy Shop

My own approach is somewhere in the middle. I think too much structure tends to make a class (or even a work of art, J. S. Bach excepted) rather dull by stifling creativity and spontaneity. Spontaneity is a necessary ingredient for teaching (or pretty much anything) as it allows to take a slight detour from a given lesson plan and to incorporate and address the particular needs of a situation or of the students themselves. Spontaneity allows for dealing with such situations and not feeling stressed or overwhelmed by those adjustments. So the best approach in my view would be what I call “framed spontaneity.”


Cartes heuristiques. Art. Informatique. VIVRE ENSEMBLE... ? Sciences. Ressources. L'ARC et la FLECHE. A. Philosophie. Nature-environnement. Paysage. Vidéos Pearltrees. Help. Littérature. LANGAGE. Education. Culture.