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A TRUTH WHOSE TIME HAS COME: human benefits from vegan living. A flesh-eating woman on a Facebook thread claimed “I care about people – not some animals.”

A TRUTH WHOSE TIME HAS COME: human benefits from vegan living

She was very unresponsive to the pleas of vegans. This is my point of view for the many people who think like her. First of all, when non-vegans say that ‘human problems come first’ I ask what it is that they are doing for human beings that requires them to continue funding the callous exploitation of other animals? As it happens, veganism; the ethic of non-participation in the exploitation of animals - benefits people; almost more than anything else I can think of. For starters, in our choosing vegan (plant-based) foods, the land used to farm animals would feed more people if it were used to grow plant protein; which yields far more protein per acre than animal flesh. VeganEssentials Online Store.


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