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MEPs call for additional EU sources of revenue - Eurostep. Following their vote on the EU’s next Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF) for the years 2014-2020, members of the European Parliament (MEPs) called for a budget increase of at least 5%, if the EU is to live up to its commitments already agreed upon. The Union should therefore focus also on additional sources of revenue, including a Financial Transactions Tax (FTT), MEPs stressed. According to the report adopted in plenary last week, “the next MFF should reflect the ambitions of the Europe 2020 strategy” and be sufficiently flexible regarding the alignment of budgetary means with “evolving circumstances and priorities”. Regional policy, including cohesion and structural funds, as well as farm spending should be kept at current levels, the report communicates, urging the EU to boost its investments in energy infrastructure. Areas where savings could be made may include EU spending on administration, MEPs noted.

Read the adopted MFF text here: European Parliament - Texts adopted Sources: Polscieu » Blog Archive » Comitology visualised: Making the inaccessible accessible? [Update: The visualisation and the data sheet (at the end of the post) now contain > 100 meetings.] Yesterday afternoon, I’ve blogged about Comitology and the fact that it is largely ignored by academics and the public. Yesterday evening I was speaking about the EU blogosphore at a lobby company event, which I’ve blogged about in a quite populist way this morning. The fact that the latter has already attracted as much attention as the first by now made me think. This blog is supposed to “translate between political science and political practice in EU matters” as you can read on the right side. So instead of ranting further against lobbyists, suits, and corporate people which doesn’t add much in this regard, I’ve decided to instead follow up on Comitology.

Click on the image to get to the visualisation This storyline is based on the 60 70 75 90 over 100 of the last Comitology meeting summary records that one can find through the Comitology register search. In our dreams. Observatoire Législatif du Parlement européen. EUR-Lex. IPEX. Union Européenne - Think Tanks. PreLex.