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Sew a super simple skirt . sewing 101 - Shrimp Salad Circus. Valerie Bryant is back with another incredibly helpful Sewing 101 post.

sew a super simple skirt . sewing 101 - Shrimp Salad Circus

Now that we've learned the basics, she's showing us how to make a super easy beginner skirt. There are tons of pictures with each step after the jump, so you won't get lost! If you love Sewing 101, be sure to check out Valerie's blog and her shop. P.S. Valerie's having a shop sale and giveaway right now. This elastic waist skirt is a simple project with tons of variations. You'll Need: 1 - 1.5 yards of fabric* (amount depending on your size and the length you want your skirt)rulermeasuring tapestraight pinsthread (in a matching color to your fabric)safety pinsmarking tool (I just used a pencil.)cutting utensil (shears or rotary cutter)1 yard of 1" elastic (again, depending on your measurements)sewing machineiron/ironing board *Make sure you get a fabric that does not stretch. First things first: take your measurements!

The first measurements we'll use are your hips and total length. Now, repeat! Time to sew! DIY BRIGHTLY LINED LACE MINI SKIRT. DIY: High-Low Skirt. The high-low skirt, also known by its more playful nickname the mullet skirt, is on-trend again this year and I couldn't be happier.

DIY: High-Low Skirt

While the skirt might have a funny name and a slew of "party in the front, business in the back" jokes associated with it, the skirt is no joking matter. With its figure-flattering cut and unique style, the high-low skirt has some fans in high places from Jason Wu to Marc Jacobs. The best part? With a sewing machine and a thrifted maxi skirt, you can make your own high-low skirt in just an hour. The first thing you need to do is establish how short you want the skirt in the front. Now, you can deviate from these next steps if you'd like, but I think an important part of the high-low skirt is its flowy nature. Take your ribbon and pin it to the unfinished cuts that you made earlier. Stitch along the top of the ribbon.

To finish the hem, you can either stitch it by hand to make it less noticeable or do a simple top stitch. And that's it! Wanna make a dress?? I am PUMPED today!

wanna make a dress??

Wanna know why? Cause i’m gonna show you how to make quick, easy, and inexpensive dresses just like these! I know what y’all are thinking…no way that’s quick and easy. oh…you are SO wrong. it really is! I might even venture to say that its one of the easiest sewing projects i’ve ever done. go ahead…try it…and try to prove me wrong! I orginally found this brilliant idea here and was instantly motivated to try it. i did, however, change up some things along the way, such as making a long maxi dress, and one other thing in particular that will prevent a massive headache, so i’ll go ahead and post a tutorial here for you to see. i took the following pictures for the tutorial as i was sewing the long dress. i will make a note in each step where there is something different to do for the short dress. first things first…gather your supplies. all you need is a ribbed tank top and some coordinating fabric and thread. how cheap is that??

For the long dress: for the short dress: DIY PRINTED TRIM MINI SKIRT. DIY PEPLUM SKIRT. So Very Scaly.