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The Top 10 Social Networks for Creative People. Pin It Four years ago I wrote a guide to the Top 10 Social Networks for Creative People that turned out to be one of the most popular things I’ve ever published here on Lateral Action. But four years is a long time in social media. Empires rise and fall, old networks fade away and new ones arrive on the scene. So it’s time for an updated guide – to the most inspiring, useful and addictive social networks for creative people in 2012. As before, I begin by looking at WHY networking is critical to your success as a creative professional. Then it’s onto the networks themselves, with quotations from the founders of some networks and success stories from users, explaining the networks’ individual cultures, how to use them, and how they can help your creativity and your career. Why you MUST network if you want to succeed in a creative profession Identity Richard Florida groups all creative professionals together in what he calls the Creative Class.

Inspiration , based on this idea: Opportunities Fun! Philip Kotler propõe às empresas o conceito do marketing 3.0 - Marketing. Marketing | 09/11/2010 14:40 Especialista diz que estabelecer "caso de amor" com seus clientes permite a co-criação de campanhas publicitárias Wikimedia Commons Kotler: "missão do marketing 3.0 consiste em criar um elo com o cliente, promover sustentabilidade e melhorar a vida dos pobres" São Paulo - “Vivemos a era da participação e da sociedade criativa.

Para as empresas, isso significa estar mais próximas de seus clientes, trabalhando de maneira unida com eles, pois os consumidores ajudarão as corporações a criarem seus novos produtos e iniciativas de marketing. É o conceito da “co-criação”, afirmou Philip Kotler, professor emérito da cátedra S. Segundo Kotler, ter uma plataforma de “co-criação” auxilia no melhor desenvolvimento da mensagem publicitária já que, conforme o professor, no processo tradicional de criação as idéias podem “emperrar” nas agências.

Eric Lefkofsky, Groupon Backer, on Why Social Media Is Hot. A história das mídias sociais | Mídias Sociais. 19 de novembro de 2010 Por Ricardo de Paula em Infográficos O rápido desenvolvimento tecnológico vem mudando a maneira como vivemos, compramos e consumimos produtos e serviços. Vem mudando também a maneira como as organizações se comunicam com seus consumidores, dando ao marketing um novo conjunto de ferramentas. Tudo isso é decorrência da evolução dos meios que permitem as pessoas se comunicarem, independentemente de tempo e espaço, sendo decisivos para o rompimento das barreiras ao capital intelectual ao redor mundo.

A timeline abaixo permite visualizar como se desenvolveram esses meios até chegar às mídias sociais modernas. Clique na imagem para ampliar: 35 Essential Social Media & Tech Resources for Small Businesses. As this year begins to wrap up and businesses start preparing big plans for 2011, we expect social media and technology innovations to be a bigger part of small business digital budgets. To spark a bit of creativity and help get that process rolling, we've gathered 35 of our most useful small business posts from the past few months to make sure businesses are in the digital know. Each week we put together a roundup of essential social media resources that you may have missed that week — you can check those out here. But this week we decided to take it a step further and provide you with another megalist of just our top small business resources from the past few months, including social media, tech, marketing & advertising, dev & design and mobile articles written especially for our small business crowd.

Of course, if you're still hungry for more business resources, you can follow Mashable's business channel on Twitter and become a fan on Facebook. Happy reading! Social Media Tech Mobile. Fascinating Social Media Facts of Year 2010. Social media is not just a social instrument of communication. It is not all about people sharing ideas and thoughts with other people. It is the creation and exchange of ‘User Generated Content’. The ability to transform broadcast media monologues into a social media dialogues that spread, sometimes, faster and wider than television, radio or print.

Social Media when compared to year 2009 shows a fantastic growth in terms of people participation, penetration, user-ability, business and more. Now, we are almost at the end of year 2010, and therefore it is time to study and understand some of the Social Media facts and trends that were evolved and followed over the year. 1. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 24 out of the 25 largest newspapers are experiencing declines in circulations because the news reaches users in other formats. 7. 25% of search results for the world’s top 20 brands are linked to user-generated content. 8.

Source: 2. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 25. 26. 27. 28. 3. 29. 4. 37. 5. ¿Cómo será Internet en el futuro? | ESADE Link. A esta pregunta trata de responder el informe elaborado por Cisco Systems y Global Business Network (GBN), The Evolving Internet: Driving Forces, Uncertainties and Scenarios to 2025 que analiza las premisas de futuro, los ejes de incertidumbre y los escenarios de la Red de los próximos quince años.

El informe presenta tres ejes de incertidumbre –Construcción de redes, Evolución tecnológica y Comportamiento de los usuarios– que determinarán el futuro de Internet, y cuatro escenarios –Palpitante, Inseguro, Decepcionante y Desbordado– que plantean un desarrollo atípico de Internet en comparación con los estudios realizados hasta ahora. El informe pronostica una nueva brecha digital y el aumento del volumen del comercio electrónico. Podéis consultar el texto completo del informe en formato pdf. Para más información sobre el sector podéis consultar el Flash Internet de ESADE Guíame. Be Sociable, Share! Related posts: Social Networking: The Past. Editor’s note: This is the first of a three-part guest post by venture capitalist Mark Suster of GRP Partners on “Social Networking: The Past, Present, And Future.”

Be sure to also read Part II and Part III. This series is an adaptaion of a recent talk he gave at the Caltech / MIT Enterprise Forum on “the future of social networking.” You can watch the video here , or you can scroll quickly through the Powerpoint slides embedded at the bottom of the post or here on DocStoc. Follow him on Twitter @msuster. Social Networking 25 Years Ago: CompuServ, Prodigy & The Well Listening to young people talk about social networking as a new phenomenon is a bit like hearing people talk about a remake of a famous song from my youth as though it was the original version. Yes, I was doing it when I was a teenager and yes, it was online, too. In in the early 90′s I was in my early 20′s and I programmed on mainframe computers using COBOL, CICS and DB2. The Bridge Between Online Services & The Internet: AOL. Social Networking: The Present. Editor’s note: This is the second of a three-part guest post by venture capitalist Mark Suster of GRP Partners on “Social Networking: The Past, Present, And Future.”

Read Part I first, this one, and then Part III. Follow him on Twitter @msuster. This series is an adaptation of a recent talk he gave at the Caltech / MIT Enterprise Forum on “the future of social networking.” You can watch the video here , or you can scroll quickly through the Powerpoint slides embedded at the bottom of the post or here on DocStoc. Social Networking in Web 2.0: Plaxo & LinkedIn In my last post, I discussed the origins of social networking online, beginning with CompuServe, Prodigy, the Well, then the rise of AOL, Geocities and Yahoo Groups. And come after they did. And importantly Web 2.0 ushered in the era of “participation” – we all know that.

But the masses didn’t want to blog. Modern Social Networking: Friendster, MySpace & Facebook Except that MySpace didn’t handle images or video well. Enter Facebook. 55 Interesting Social Media Infographics. Social Networking: The Future. Editor’s note: This is the third of a three-part guest post by venture capitalist Mark Suster of GRP Partners on “Social Networking: The Past, Present, And Future.” Read Part I and Part II first. This series is an adaptation of a recent talk Suster gave at the Caltech / MIT Enterprise Forum on “the future of social networking.”

You can watch the video here , or you can scroll quickly through the Powerpoint slides embedded at the bottom of the post or here on DocStoc. Follow him on Twitter @msuster. In my first post I talked about the history of social networking from 1985-2002 dominated by CompuServe, AOL & Yahoo! In the second post I explored the current era which covers Web 2.0 (blogs, YouTube, MySpace, Facebook), Realtime (Twitter), and mobile (Foursquare). Is the game over? 1. Right now our social graph (whom we are connected to and their key information like email addresses) is mostly held captive by Facebook. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

As mídias sociais como aliadas do empreendedor. 7 Tips for Succeeding as a Social Media Strategist. This post originally appeared on the American Express OPEN Forum, where Mashable regularly contributes articles about leveraging social media and technology in small business. The role of social media is expanding rapidly and many organizations of all types are trying to stay afloat amidst the changes. Meanwhile, a small group of innovators pulls the industry onward. In the past few years, the social media marketing role has become increasingly present, leading the way to more strategic social media programs. Enter the social media strategist. Jeremiah Owyang, an industry analyst at Altimeter Group, a digital strategy consulting firm, recently spoke at the Word of Mouth Marketing Association Summit about the career path of the corporate social strategist, touching on current responsibilities and challenges, as well as the future of the role. 1.

Owyang pointed to a funny, but oh-so-true anecdote that happened while he was collecting research for this study. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Rise of the networked enterprise: Web 2.0 finds its payday - McKinsey Quarterly - Organization - Strategic Organization. Every new technology has its skeptics. In the 1980s, many observers doubted that the broad use of information technologies such as enterprise resource planning (ERP) to remake processes would pay off in productivity improvements—indeed, the economist Robert Solow famously remarked, “You can see the computer age everywhere but in the productivity statistics.” Today, that sentiment has gravitated to Web 2.0 technologies. Management is trying to understand if they are a passing fad or an enduring trend that will underwrite a new era of better corporate performance. Podcast The rise of the networked enterprise: Web 2.0 finds its payday McKinsey Global Institute senior fellow Michael Chui discusses how leaders can prepare for the new business environment as well as the latest results from McKinsey’s survey of global executives on their use of Web 2.0.

New McKinsey research shows that a payday could be arriving faster than expected. The findings Web 2.0 technologies are now more widely used. Social Media for Business. The 2010 Social Networking Map. This post was written by Jenny Urbano, our Social Media Manager. Here at Demandforce, we love seeing and celebrating your ideas! And more than that, we love to hear from YOU. We want to bridge the gap between us and you, so that’s why we’re offering a once in a lifetime opportunity to win a trip to San Francisco, sightsee in this amazing city, visit Demandforce headquarters and share your ideas with us! 6 winners, and a guest of their choice will be flown out to San Francisco, California on March 12-14th, 2014, where they will stay in Union Square, spend a day at Demandforce, have dinner with the team, and explore the lovely City by the Bay!

For contest rules, and how to enter, please visit our post in the Generation Demandforce Community here. Good luck! The Future of Shopping. How the Internet is Changing Advertising.