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MEAN Machine by Chris Sevilleja et al. Learn to write MEAN Stack applications from scratch Want to learn Node.js and AngularJS? In this book, we will be learning about four pieces of software (MongoDB, ExpressJS, AngularJS, and Node.js) and how they combine to make the great MEAN stack. This book is suitable for beginners with no Angular or Node experience. Only a very basic knowledge of HTML and JavaScript is necessary. What You’ll Learn For just $25, you’ll gain a great real-world understanding of how to use Node and Angular. You will also learn the following: Build Node/Express applications and RESTful APIs from scratchHow to authenticate Node and Angular applicationsHandle CRUD operations with MongoDBBuild dynamic Angular frontend applications from scratchBuild scalable and well-structured MEAN applicationsBest practices and techniques in application developmentUse Bower and Gulp for efficient development This book is essentially three books in one.

What You'll Build Why MEAN? AngularJS Updates Code Samples. Twelve JavaScript Libraries for Data Visualization. Regardless of the industry, businesses throughout the world are relying more and more on data, specifically when in very large groups, to make assumptions about both the past and future. In addition to being collected, this data often must be converted into effective diagrams that highlight any and all necessary findings: a task that the JavaScript language has proven itself fully capable of completing.

In turn, a much heavier focus is currently being placed on JavaScript as a data visualization tool; therefore, I compiled the following list of twelve JavaScript frameworks that can be extremely useful for data visualization. Dygraphs.js The Dygraphs.js library allows developers to create interactive charts using the X and Y axis to display powerful diagrams. The more data being parsed, the higher the functionality of the graph. D3.js Eventually becoming the successor to Protovis.js, D3 is capable of creating stunning graphics via dynamically updating the DOM. InfoVis Springy.js Polymaps.js. Courses. Rapid Prototyping of Adaptive CSS and Responsive Design. Responsive Layout Wireframe | proyectoweb.


Microformats. Designing Effective User Interfaces. By Suzanne Martin The use of typography, symbols, color, and other static and dynamic graphics are used to convey facts, concepts and emotions. This makes up an information-oriented, systematic graphic design which helps people understand complex information. Successful visual communication through information-oriented, systematic graphic design relies on some key principles of graphic design. Design Considerations There are three factors that should be considered for the design of a successful user interface; development factors, visability factors and acceptance factors. Development factors help by improving visual communication. Visability factors take into account human factors and express a strong visual identity. Included as acceptance factors are an installed base, corporate politics, international markets, and documentation and training.

Visible Language Visible language refers to all of the graphical techniques used to communicate the message or context. Organize Consistency Economize. A Web Designer's Guide to Font Replacement Methods. Fed-up with Arial? Tired of Times New Roman? Font-replacement methods have improved dramatically over the past 2 years, but it can be often hard to sort out the different methods if you're not constantly reading about it. This article will discuss various font replacement techniques that are out there right now. Republished Tutorial Every few weeks, we revisit some of our reader's favorite posts from throughout the history of the site.

This tutorial was first published in November of 2010. We'll look at the pros and cons of each, the issue of font licenses and the best font resources on the web so you can start using them in your own web designs. Introduction: Font Replacement Methods "Since the beginning of the web, designers have been restricted to a limited number of fonts" The possibilities of design on the web seem to be increasing day by day.

Typography and font selection are integral elements of any designers arsenal to create the look and ‘feel’ of a website. Cufón Pros: Cons: erm.. sIFR. Molly dot com. Introducing Rich Snippets. Webmaster Level: All As a webmaster, you have a unique understanding of your web pages and the content they represent. Google helps users find your page by showing them a small sample of that content -- the "snippet. " We use a variety of techniques to create these snippets and give users relevant information about what they'll find when they click through to visit your site. Today, we're announcing Rich Snippets, a new presentation of snippets that applies Google's algorithms to highlight structured data embedded in web pages.

Rich Snippets give users convenient summary information about their search results at a glance. We are currently supporting data about reviews and people. When searching for a product or service, users can easily see reviews and ratings, and when searching for a person, they'll get help distinguishing between people with the same name. To display Rich Snippets, Google looks for markup formats (microformats and RDFa) that you can easily add to your own web pages.