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DIY Play Kitchen How-To! - CREATE: Blog. I’m so pleased to introduce you to our guest today: Miranda Walker.

DIY Play Kitchen How-To! - CREATE: Blog

Voir le sujet - cuisine pour enfant - DIY play kitchen. Hop voilà les photos (celles qui passent sur le blog auront déjà vu ^^) Remontage après démontage laborieux du vendeur Découpage du plan de travail.

Voir le sujet - cuisine pour enfant - DIY play kitchen

Organizing Ribbons With Empty Tic Tac Containers. Little Helsinki. Più. Moopy & me. Réparons & Re-Parons Noël. DIY récup’ pour Noël. L’idée DIY du week-end : du fluo dans vos accessoires Avec le soleil qui revient, on a envie de touches de pep’s dans son intérieur !

DIY récup’ pour Noël

En plus, ça devient plus facile de se... Lire la suite › Les créations poétiques de Manon H Il y a quelques semaines, j’ai découvert lors d’un salon la talentueuse Manon H. Miniio - modern dollhouses. Making Merry: Toilet Paper Roll Flower Ornaments. After seeing this (scroll down for the finished picture) I thought it would be fun to take the same concept and make ornaments.

Making Merry: Toilet Paper Roll Flower Ornaments

So I started collecting toilet paper rolls :) These ornaments are really easy to make. Here’s how: 1. Fold your paper roll in half to make it flat 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. DIY Suspensions de Noël en bois et masking tape. Les 3 ans d'une poupette ou une déco improvisée La puce vient d'avoir 3 ans.ça y est.

DIY Suspensions de Noël en bois et masking tape

Avant de faire la fête avec toute la famille, une petite déco de table improvisée avec... Envie d'Islande...! Bird nest necklace} Ruusun aika / Time for roses. Jenny Doh's Blog. Do you ever wonder what to call these things? They are some of my favorite writing instruments and are actually composed of these pointy metal things which are called nibs. Nibs come in lots of different sizes. They also vary in the level of flexibility. Rose minuscule. Women's clothes, accessories and homeware. Ma Petite Valisette. Carnets. AIGUILLES BOULEAU PEACE FLEECE. Inspiration från IKEA. Le Paris fait-main d’Etsy. Minimega® designbureau. Eat Drink Chic » Archives. ...we've had our fair share of cold and foggy winter mornings.

Eat Drink Chic » Archives

Inside our home, however, I've been attempting to ramp up the colour! My current decorating project- our living room- is progressing slowly at the moment. Not too long ago we incorporated an Indian sideboard, with which I am completely smitten! I would love to create an artwork for above, but I'm struggling to decide what to do. I'd like to keep it simple, as the room is already flush with colour and detail. Among other bits and pieces, I would also love to find a beautiful pendant light to hang above the room.

It seems like every surface in my workspace is covered in craft punches, twine, glitter, washi tape, paper goods, stripey straws, jars, bottles, my printables.... you name it. Happy Home. La Princesse aux bidouilles - Le cabinet. DIY Pot à crayon so fresh. Vous en aviez aperçu un petit bout ici, aujourd’hui on passe aux explications !

DIY Pot à crayon so fresh

Vous allez voir c’est tout simple, la réalisation est dans le même principe que ce DIY. LA SUPER SUPÉRETTE. Recyclage et Cie . . . Tuesday Tutorial: Paper Lantern Ornaments. Want a cute, simple decoration that you can make in minutes?

Tuesday Tutorial: Paper Lantern Ornaments

These paper lanterns are perfect for the upcoming holiday season or as an everyday decoration! What a great way to add color to a room or to your holiday table :) Make a bunch and string them together as a garland, or put a bunch in a bowl, or in a hurricane glass in a bathroom or guestroom. You could also mail them (flat, before unfolding them ;)) to a friend as a fun "Merry Christmas" gift with quick instructions on how to unfold them. Ready to POP shower. Since we met, my friend Allison and I have been wanting to throw a party together.

ready to POP shower

Our friend circles don’t overlap very much, but we are both good friends with Brittany, a dear friend (who is also an amazing photographer!) And pregnant with their first little one. We knew as soon as she told us she was expecting that we would be throwing her a shower together. Our shower theme- “She’s Ready to Pop!” Menu: POP rocks, lolliPOPs, jalepeno POPpers, homemade POP tarts, soda POP candies, rice crispie treats (you know- snap, crackle and POP), ring POPS, tootsie POPS… …cake POPs ….and my personal favorite, a POPcorn bar.

Oh Snap! a camera and photography party. I already mentioned that Jordan and I are nuts sometimes let our love of throwing parties together get the best of us.

Oh Snap! a camera and photography party

This shared hostessing bent is expressed in different ways- sometimes it means making elaborate Thanksgiving place settings, sometimes it means a windy, not-quite-finished Around the World party disaster (we haven’t put that story on the blog, but we should. Actually, it can be summed up in two words- party fail), and sometimes it means throwing two parties in eighteen days while I’m visiting the middleeast. Déco écolo - brico récup. Aujourd'hui, recyclage créatif !