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Applications android - usages quotidiens. iPad Eductional Apps for Preschoolers. So we’re totally loving our iPad 2 over here.

iPad Eductional Apps for Preschoolers

We use it daily in our homeschool for one reason or another. Quite often it is to keep the Teeny Tot (3 years old) occupied, but we’ve also used it for the older kiddos as well. I shared some of our favorite apps back in my first post on Educational iPad Apps, and wanted to share some of our new favorites as of late. Educational Apps for Preschoolers Tozzle Shape Builder First Words Word Wagon: Connect The Dots Jumpstart My ABC Book Starfall ABC’s Crayola Studio BB Magic Lite Educational Apps for Older Kids: Montessori Words: This is great for spelling practice, it also allows for free word creation which makes it fun to use with our All About Spelling as well.

Real Chalk HD: We use this for our All About Spelling practice. Words with Friends: Strawberry Shortcake plays this game with her Nana and her Dad. Math Bingo Word Bingo Books We Enjoy: There’s a Wocket in My Pocket There’s No Place Like Space The Berenstain Bears: Trim the Tree. iPad Educational Apps.

It’s here!

iPad Educational Apps

It’s finally here! Today we received an iPad2 and everyone is excited! So just to show how necessary this purchase was, I wanted to share some great educational iPad Apps with you today! Although I think it’s a fun thing to have around in general, the truth is I am really excited to use it as a tool in our homeschool! There are so many iPad and iPhone apps out there, it’s hard to tell which one’s are worth the money! I also wrote a post with my favorite iPhone apps awhile back that you also check out. Math Blaster – HyperBlast by Knowledge Adventure Since then, here are some of our favorites!

JumpStart JetPack Another favorite of ours is the JumpStart JetPack! Here’s a screenshot from JumpStart JetPack. iMaths. Epedagogie. Je suis le héros: un livre iPad personnalisable pour enfants - Mobilité - Fermer [x] Cet article provient de l’édition papier du magazine.

Je suis le héros: un livre iPad personnalisable pour enfants - Mobilité -

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Mon catalogue d'applications pour iPad-livres numriques

Certains livres sont gratuits. Les albums Ombilic sont des documentaires humoristiques sur la santé, en quatre couleurs. Leur contenu est supervisé par des professionnels. Ils s’adressent aux enfants de 4 à 8 ans (et même aux plus grands) et visent à leur faire découvrir ce qui se passe en eux. App moins chères pour consulter les nouvelles applications, les gratuites ou les baisses de prix.

La société So Ouat! TouchyBooks, librairie interactive pour les enfants sur Smartphones et Tablettes, est un produit de Genera Interactive. La hutte permet de lire des livres numériques achetés chez les librairies participantes dans une interface conviviale et facile à utiliser. iBooks: Une librairie en ligne. Un magnifique conte illustré pour les enfants mettant en scène les aventures d’Akumagic l’ours enchanté et prônant le respect des différences.

L’histoire interactive du Vilain Petit Canard.