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100 Percent - CSS Layouts: A collection of 168 Grid and CSS Layo. CSS Layouts: A collection of 168 Grid and CSS Layouts. Axure girds. In the seventies, IBM engineer Frederick Brooks wrote an influential book on software management called, “The Mythical Man-Month”.

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The book contains a great quotation that we like to share with clients who appear disinterested in prototyping and want to go straight to development: “In most projects, the first system build is barely usable… The only question is whether to plan in advance to build a throwaway or promise to deliver the throwaway to customers.”

Brook's quotation captures nicely the value of prototyping as part of the design process. We're great advocates of prototyping and develop paper prototypes and electronic mock-ups for our clients to test out early designs with their customers. CSS Design Templates – Free Website Templates & Wordpress Th.