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Opening the Chakras. Clearing your energy fields. 2nd Chakra Series – 21 Ways to Care for Your Sacral Chakra « Mommy Mystic. Please note that if you are interested in more women’s energetics work, I now offer an 8-week, self-paced course through DailyOm called Fall in Love With Your Feminine Power, which includes print, video, and audio material.

2nd Chakra Series – 21 Ways to Care for Your Sacral Chakra « Mommy Mystic

In February/March 2014 I will also be offering my intensive 4-week teleseminar on Energy Healing for Sexual Abuse and Trauma. This is the last post in a series on the 2nd, or sacral chakra, in women. The prior posts were on Tantric Sexuality, Intuition and Seeing, Motherhood and Creating, and Spirituality and Bliss. Those posts all gave lots of reasons why attention to your 2nd chakra, and 2nd chakra issues, is so important for women.

Hopefully you’re convinced! This turned into quite the thesis, which I hadn’t intended. Also, I feel like I should add a disclaimer along the lines of those medical ads that say “This is not meant to replace a diagnose from a qualified medical doctor.” 1) Face and release any past sexual abuse or assault. 6) Own your sexual choices. Wildmind Buddhist Meditation - Learn Meditation Online. Healing Circle - Cleansing Your Chakras & How to Cleans Chakras, Learn about Chakras, Chakra Classes online at Mystic Familiar Psychic Chat. Here is a powerful meditation we can do right now for cleaning chakra's from Doreen Virtue’s "The Lightworker’s Way": Take a deep breath through your nose and hold it for about four seconds, exhale slowly through your mouth, now do this again…..slowly Completely relax….slowly .release all the tension in your body, see it flowing down through your feet into mother earth to be transformed…… Visualize or feel a round and transparent ball, coloured in a beautiful shade of ruby red, floating inside your body near the base of your spine.

Healing Circle - Cleansing Your Chakras & How to Cleans Chakras, Learn about Chakras, Chakra Classes online at Mystic Familiar Psychic Chat

This is your "root chakra" the centre of your strength and individuality. Mentally look at or sense the ball. Notice if it has any areas of darkness. These are energy imbalances, and you can immediately wash them away by simply intending the ball to be perfectly clean. The Human Energy Field Session 6 Excerpt The Human Energy Field or Aura is an energetic, multidimensional field that surrounds penetrates, and is the human body. Chakra Clearing Technique. This energetic clearing can be used on yourself, or you can use this technique easily with others.

Chakra Clearing Technique

In our years of experience with thousands of individuals around the world, it appears that our chakras are imprinted from the inside - out. Despite all best efforts, no amount of external clearing can really clear the internal core of our own chakras. This release technique is very powerful for it empowers you (or the individual you are assisting) to actively participate in the energetic clearing of all the chakras. Practice clearing your chakras in the bathtub or shower at least once each week. By being in water, you will be able to rinse your hand after each chakra releases. . • Place your open hand, palm side down, on your forehead. . • Now tell yourself to release into your hand every single thought, feeling, and emotion that you have never been able to show or express. . • Next, move your hand above your throat. . • Next move your hand to your heart and hold it there for a moment. Contact us. Article - The Akashic Record.

Gemstone Dictionary of Natural Magic Stones and Healing Gems. How to send healing energy to a sick person. Anyone can send healing energy.

How to send healing energy to a sick person

You do not need to be an expert or have any specific training to do so. The power of prayer works wonders, especially when it is said from the heart. There is another way which comes from your inner power, which is infinite. Begin by sitting comfortably in a space where you will be undisturbed for 15 minutes or so. You may make this space your sacred space by saying so and by clearing it before you begin with burning some sage (please see how to create your sacred space). Close by thanking God, the healer guides, angels, St.