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GBIF. REDD une collection de conflits de contradictions et de mensonges. Commerce de services environnementaux. Les “service environnementaux”, ou“services rendus par les écosystèmes”, est un concept inventé dans les années 70, dans le cadre de l’économie capitaliste, par des biologistes et des économistes.

Commerce de services environnementaux

Ces termes indiquent que la nature fournit une série de services importants à l’humanité, comme l’eau, la biodiversité, les sols fertiles, etc. Ces concepts sont directement liés à l’idée de fixer un prix à la nature comme unique moyen de la protéger d’une destruction future. De là, intervient un système de paiement au titre des“services environnementaux”, ainsi qu’un commerce de ces “services”. C’est ainsi que ces derniers sont transformés en actifs financiers qui peuvent être vendus, commercialisés et négociés sur les marchés financiers.Il s’agit bien d’un pas de plus vers la marchandisation de la nature. Cette manière de penser est contraire à la relation qu’ont établi les communautés dépendantes des forêts. High-Biodiversity Wilderness Areas (HBWA) definition.

Legal and compliance – The identification process for HBWAs did not include any legal and compliance requirements.

High-Biodiversity Wilderness Areas (HBWA) definition

Most of them are too large to legally protect in their entirety and national governments were not involved in their identification. They are, however, referred to in some environmental safeguard standards such as those of the Sustainable Forestry Initiative 5 that require that procurement promotes the conservation of HBWAs. Due to their size, there are many protected areas which fall within HBWAs.

For example, 25% of Amazonia and 20.2% of the Miombo-Mopane woodlands are designated by national governments as protected areas. 6 Biodiversity importance – HBWAs are based on high irreplaceability of species within large intact wilderness areas. Cameroon. Cameroon definition. Main Details. Implementation of the NBSAP The content of this biodiversity profile is still draft.

Main Details

The text below has been prepared by SCBD and remains subject to final approval by the Party concerned. Cameroon revised and updated its NBSAP in 2012. Its first NBSAP was completed in 2000 however was not implemented due to various constraints. The current NBSAP proposes a new policy orientation to reverse and halt the current trend in biodiversity loss as a way to establish a strong nature base that is indispensable for the country’s socioeconomic growth. Actions taken to achieve the 2020 Aichi Biodiversity Targets Examples of actions taken are provided below (this information is not exhaustive). Support mechanisms for national implementation (legislation, funding, capacity-building, coordination, mainstreaming, etc.) BirdLife Data Zone. Country/territory: Cameroon IBA Criteria met: A1, A2, A3 (2001) For more information about IBA criteria please click here Area: 500,000 ha Protection status: Cameroon Biodiversity Conservation Society Site description Campo Ma’an National Park (270,000 ha) lies in the south-western corner of the country, against the international border with Equatorial Guinea and the Atlantic ocean.

BirdLife Data Zone

Key biodiversity See Box and Tables 2 and 3 for key species. Non-bird biodiversity: The site holds several species of plants discovered recently that may be endemic. BirdLife Data Zone. General characteristics The Lower Guinea forest is one of the world's great lowland rain forests, and together with the Upper Guinea forest (EBA 084) constitutes the Guineo-Congolian Region of White (1983).

BirdLife Data Zone

The restricted-range birds of this EBA are confined to the north-west part of the Lower Guinea forest, in south-east Nigeria, southern Cameroon, northern and central Gabon and continental Equatorial Guinea. The Cameroon mountains (EBA 086) lie adjacent, but the restricted-range birds of that EBA generally occur at higher altitudes in montane forest, although a few of them occur locally in lowland forest, e.g. on the southern slopes of Mt Cameroon. World Development Indicators. The primary World Bank collection of development indicators, compiled from officially-recognized international sources.

World Development Indicators

It presents the most current and accurate global development data available, and includes national, regional and global estimates. Environment Live. Environment Live. Cameroon definition. BirdLife Data Zone. Country/territory: Cameroon IBA Criteria met: A1, A2, A3 (2001) For more information about IBA criteria please click here Area: 500,000 ha Protection status: Cameroon Biodiversity Conservation Society Site description Campo Ma’an National Park (270,000 ha) lies in the south-western corner of the country, against the international border with Equatorial Guinea and the Atlantic ocean.

BirdLife Data Zone

IBAT for Business. IBAT for Business is intended for use by companies from all sectors, and offers several subscription options detailed below.

IBAT for Business

Mapping To Support Redd+ Planning And Secure Multiple Benefits: Toolbox And Tutorials For Qgis And Arc Gis - UNEP-WCMC. GIS training materials and tools have been developed for use in planning REDD+ activities that deliver multiple benefits.

Mapping To Support Redd+ Planning And Secure Multiple Benefits: Toolbox And Tutorials For Qgis And Arc Gis - UNEP-WCMC

These resources are designed to assist technical staff to undertake spatial analysis to identify areas suitable for specific REDD+ policies and measures, and which are likely to yield multiple benefits. Materials have been developed for both QGIS (open-source) and ArcGIS software, according to the needs of individual partner countries. The materials continue to be developed and tested with country partners, with tutorial versions in other languages on the way. (1) Open-source: QGIS 1.8 and 2.8 Open-source software is released under a license that allows software to be freely used, modified, and shared ( Therefore, using open source software has great potential in building sustainable capacity and a critical mass of experts.