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UK | Magazine. Suppose you could save five lives by taking one - what would be the correct thing to do? Such ethical dilemmas provide classic "experiments" for philosophers. Here the Magazine presents four such quandaries and asks readers to vote on what they think is right. [Magazine note: apologies but we have had a technical hitch with the votes. We've replaced the vote modules, and will add those already cast to the totals.] Like scientists, philosophers use experiments to test their theories. These "thought experiments" help philosophers clarify their understanding of certain concepts and intuitions. But such experiments are rarely tested on large numbers of people. Here is a well-known example: One day, you wake up in hospital. To your horror, you discover that you have been kidnapped by the Music Appreciation Society. If you stay in the hospital bed, connected to the violinist, he will be totally cured in nine months. The creator of the experiment, Judith Thomson, thinks the answer is "no".

Left brain-right brain. Nikola Tesla – Genius Who Lit the World. This program reveals the discoveries of a forgotten genius, many of which went virtually unnoticed for nearly a century. Nikola Tesla is considered the father of our modern technological age and one of the most mysterious and controversial scientists in history. How did this obscure visionary from what is now Yugoslavia lay the foundation for modern communications and energy research? Nikola Tesla’s contributions to science and technology include the invention of radio, television, radio-astronomy, remote control and robotics, radar, medical x-ray and the wireless transmission of electricity.

Many of Nikola Tesla’s inventions were and in some cases still are considered a little too revolutionary by government agencies and the power brokers of the time and are discussed in detail in this program. Encyclopedia Britannica lists Nikola Tesla as one of the top ten most fascinating people in history. How To Bullshit Your Way Through Any Essay. If there is one thing college kids neglect the most, besides basic diet and hygiene, it’s the homework assignment essay. Hastily written and utterly unedited the night before it’s due, the modern essay has become something of a nightmare for lackadaisical college students. But writing an essay that seems like it was written by someone with more than a double-digit IQ is not nearly as difficult as it seems, I assure you. Even the laziest Guitar Hero II god can whiz through an essay that reads like it was written by F.

Scott Motherfucking Fitzgerald. What seems difficult and scary is actually as simple and accessible as you can want. All you really have to do is half-ass it. Unless you actually want to spend valuable time researching and penning a paper that’s only going to be skimmed over by some asshole assistant professor, you can follow these five simple steps on how to bullshit your merry way through any essay. 1)The introductory paragraph. 2)The thesis. 3)Topic sentences.