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Garden Planner - Plant Index. A Permaculture Design Course Handbook. One of the great things about Permaculture is that there is no set definition for Permaculture.

A Permaculture Design Course Handbook

This gives us the freedom to personalize Permaculture for our own journey within the realm of co-creating with the planet and our local communities. I encourage all my students to frame their own definition so they can begin to teach others about this philosophy and course of action. The definition is a bit wordy, I know, but it serves to try and shorten what I really believe is the reformation of culture. Not easy to describe how to go from a Insta-culture to a Permaculture, that is a culture based on Permanence, in two sentences.

But basically it takes the idea of the triple bottom line which is reflective of the ethics of Permaculture and combines with our mimicking of nature to produce outputs of quality. Through design work that patterns ecosystems, integration allows for more time in the shade-covered hammock because efficiency is created. Internet of Farming: Arduino-based, backyard aquaponics. 4 Ways to Test Soil pH. Automated Chicken Coop Door. If you had any doubts that SiliconFarmer has an actual farm, this project should dispel them.

Automated Chicken Coop Door

We got six chickens last year. I built them a nice coop. It sits about 100 feet from the house, and has wheels so we can occasionally move it. Chickens like to be in the coop at night. They are protected from predators, and they can stay warm if there are no drafts. This means someone has to go out early in the morning to open the coop, or they get noisy and start pecking each other. Anyway, this gets old after a while. The first problem was deciding what sort of motor and mechanism to use.

He also suggested using an arm and pulley mechanism so the motor could be run in just one direction to both open and close the door. These motors have an integrated switch, which allows my controller to determine when the motor is positioned with the door completely closed. The completely open position isn’t as critical. One lead is common, two leads are power for slow and fast speeds. DIY Budget Aquaponics, Simplified Plumbing design. Introduction To Aquaponics (Concepts and Methods) Lasagna Garden - How to Make a Lasagna Garden. Lasagna gardening is a no-dig, no-till organic gardening method that results in rich, fluffy soil with very little work from the gardener.

Lasagna Garden - How to Make a Lasagna Garden

The name "lasagna gardening" has nothing to do with what you'll be growing in this garden. It refers to the method of building the garden, which is, essentially, adding layers of organic materials that will “cook down” over time, resulting in rich, fluffy soil that will help your plants thrive. Also known as “sheet composting,” lasagna gardening is great for the environment, because you're using your yard and kitchen waste and essentially composting it in place to make a new garden. No Digging Required One of the best things about lasagna gardening is how easy it is. Ingredients For A Lasagna Garden Anything you'd put in a compost pile, you can put into a lasagna garden.

Just as with an edible lasagna, there is some importance to the methods you use to build your lasagna garden. Undergroundgreenhouse.pdf (application/pdf-object) De moestuin - zaaikalender - hoe en wanneer moet je zaaien in je moestuin. Welke groenten, en wanneer kan je zaaien in de moestuin?

De moestuin - zaaikalender - hoe en wanneer moet je zaaien in je moestuin

Een moestuin hebben, is vandaag de dag heel normaal. Vroeger werd het altijd gezien als een hobby voor de ouderen. Maar steeds meer jongere mensen beginnen ook een moestuin. Als je een beetje van tuinieren houdt, en je hebt er een beetje de tijd voor, waarom dan ook niet? Eigen gekweekte groenten is lekker, en goedkoop. Je moet er rekening mee houden, dat je per 100m2 tuin die je hebt, ongeveer per week een uur tot anderhalf uur mee bezig bent. Backyard aquaponics: DIY system to farm fish with vegetables. Aquaponics (The Build) How to build a simple DIY Aquaponics system using a Koi Carp pond (for less than $200)

Internet of food: Arduino-based, urban aquaponics in Oakland. Stephen Ritz: A teacher growing green in the South Bronx.