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Repair. In the olden days, one would have an idea and would get really excited about it, and yet there would be no easy way to share it so the idea would remain just that - an idea.


Then the Internet came along and gave birth to Kickstarter. I'm not so sure if Kickstarter coming along was a good thing or a bad thing. It can be good to share ideas, but I swear not a day seems to pass when I don't get an email for a bike related Kickstarter campaign. It's almost become like spam.

Every now and then I do open the Kickstarter emails and think the idea is actually an interesting one. Smart phones are pretty much here to stay and the idea behind this is a case that attaches to your phone which can hold useful items - like bike tools. A Complete bike-tool and patch kit seamlessly integrated into your phone case When starting out with the myTask:BIKE project, casual biker and designer Addison wanted to create a bike tool that was convenient, strong and was unobtrusive.

Bicycle Tutor - Bike Repair Video Tutorials. Bikes - Free bike repair videos and tutorials. Association Travisa : Travailler et Vivre à Sophia Antipolis. Calculette de puissance d'un vélo électrique. Cette calculette permet d'avoir une idée de la puissance instantanée qui sera fournie par le moteur (l'assistance) en fonction de différents critères.

Calculette de puissance d'un vélo électrique

Quelques explications: Rendement du moteur Le moteur transforme l'nergie lectrique en mouvement, avec des pertes sous forme de chaleur. Pour nos vlos lectriques, on considre une valeur moyenne de 78%, qui peut tre remplac par la valeur indique par le constructeur. Trainée aérodynamique Cette est une convertion en équivalent poids de l'aérodynamisme. Pente C'est la valeur exprimé en mètre de dénivelation par 100 mètres. Vent contraire Vitesse du vent de face. Puissance musculaire C'est l'effort de pédalage apporté par le cycliste. Calculette dveloppe par Filomat et Cyclurba. ECIL.pdf (application/pdf Object) ECIM6.pdf (application/pdf Object) Winter Cycling. As a web site that advocates cycling as a normal means of transportation, we would be remiss if we ignored the fact that in the major part of North America there is this little inconvenience called WINTER.

Winter Cycling

The vast majority of cyclists hang up their steeds as soon as it turns cold enough that shorts are uncomfortably cool. Most of the remaining put the bike on hooks in the garage after a month or so of riding in long tights. The first hint of frost marks the end of the cycling "season". Why does bicycling have a "season"? Sports have seasons. Well, guess what folks; Winter Cycling is not only practical but growing in popularity, a great deal of fun as well. After a couple of years of cycling all winter, I stumbled onto the fact that there were a few other folks doing the same thing when I read a post in a news group that someone had started a winter cycling mailing list called "ICEBIKE". Isn't That Cold and Dangerous? It's Not Cold. It's Not Dangerous Is it Practical? How to Get Started.