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Jeff Rense Program. MMnews. TERROR ON THE TUBE - The London 7/7 Bombings: A Murder Investigation. Exposing feminism and the new world order. A Free Press for a Free People. DRUDGE REPORT 2011® PolitikGlobal. Activist Post. Activist Post. Activist Post. Libya: War for World Government. "It is a test that the international community has to pass. Failure would shake further the faith of the people's region in the emerging international order and the primacy of international law. " -Brookings Institute's "Libya's Test of the New International Order," February 2011. Tony Cartalucci, Contributing Writer While a parade of politicians and pundits cite the "international community," the UN, and the "Arab street" as giving them the justification to not only wage illegal war on Libya, but to threaten illegal war against Syria as well, it should be remembered that it was neither the UN nor the "international community" that laid the ground work for this campaign.

As hard as our "leadership" tries to act surprised, the current Middle Eastern conflagration has been years in the making. We now know that the protesters from Tunisia to Egypt had been trained by US created and funded CANVAS of Serbia. Quite clearly politics in America is but a mere illusion.

Alles Schall und Rauch. Domas Jefferson - Domas Jefferson.