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Sproutsocial. Quel usage professionnel pour Twitter ? Tout le monde entendu parlé de, ce service de MicroBlogging qui permet d’envoyer des messages de 140 caractères à ses correspondants. Mais cet outil ne s’est pas encore démocratisé, et il est encore l’apanage d’une minorité férue de technologie. Pourtant cet outil recèle un énorme potentiel pour trouver des clients, améliorer le référencement d’un site internet, garder le contact avec ses prospects… C’est pourquoi nous allons vous présenter comment utiliser Twitter pour un usage professionnel.

Pourquoi utiliser Twitter ? Au départ Twitter est un outil dont on ne voit pas trop l’intérêt, car si on veut envoyer un message il y a les emails, si on veut gérer ses contacts il y a Facebook, si on veut chatter il y a MSN, si on veut écrire des articles il y a les blogs et pour partager des liens intéressants il y a les Digg Likes… Alors pourquoi Twitter ?

Voici quelques chiffres sur Twitter de : Quels sont les usages concrets de Twitter dans une entreprise ? Soumission médias sociaux OnlyWire. How to encourage your community to add content? Congratulations! You’ve got your own online community, that’s the first step. Now all you need is content! As an agency that has created hundreds of review and online community platforms, we know what makes a successful platform, so here are our top ten tips to help get your community sharing, uploading and discussing! Top 10 Tips 1. Contact previous guests Invite previous guests via email to share their experience at your hotel, attraction or holiday. Make sure you include a link to where they can post it. A study by online retailer discovered they received more reviews when a prize or contest was on offer.

Message a) A simple basic request for a review. 2.4% of those who received this email submitted a review. Message b) Suggested that a review would help support the community of evo customers by providing shopping advice. 2.1% of those who received this email submitted a review. 2. 3. Check out Enjoy England’s “Enjoy Every Minute” competition… 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. How To Generate Social Content That Gets Clicked. Over the last two years, I’ve had the amazing fortune to work with more than 20 different organizations in helping them either develop their social media strategy, help them get smarter about online marketing or assisting them in developing social content. That last one’s the tough one. As I’ve discovered, it’s not so easy to come up with content that piques customers’ discerning interests day after day. You can theorize all you want–when you’re on the hook to get it done, it’s hard.

Anyone who says otherwise is flat out lying to your face. But, there is somewhat of a method to this “madness”, as it were. At least when it comes to brainstorming and identifying those topics and issues that your customers care about. So, today I wanted to share a list of approaches I’ve taken to brainstorming and generating social content with my clients and partners.

. * Scan hash tags and search terms within your industry regularly on Twitter. . * Scan Twitter lists within your industry. Others to add?