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5 festive tips for improving your business in 2013. As the year comes to a close, it’s a great time to reflect on what you have achieved as a business this year.

5 festive tips for improving your business in 2013

5 Creative Ways to Market Your Home. “What if someone you never met, someone you never saw, someone you never knew was the only someone for you?”

5 Creative Ways to Market Your Home

Sound familiar? It’s the tagline to “Sleepless in Seattle,” and the same adage holds true for the home buying process: Buyers will never find their perfect match if they don’t know it exists. And sometimes sellers have to get creative to make the connection. Here are five ways to help your home’s dream buyer find it and fall in love. Go where the buyers are Is your home within driving distance of a popular tourist attraction, natural beauty, shopping destination, college, entertainment district, major corporation or an airport? Hold the mother of all open houses Open houses can be so much more than straightening up throw pillows, putting some flowers in a vase and slapping down a plate of cheese and crackers. What makes a house a home is its appeal to all of the senses.

Have a generous gathering. 10 règles d'or pour animer votre communauté via les médias sociaux ... 7 astuces anti-procrastination à mettre en application aujourd'hui. Comment soigner la procrastination ?

7 astuces anti-procrastination à mettre en application aujourd'hui

Je me suis moi aussi posé la question, car le premier concerné. Procrastiner, c’est dans la nature humaine de faire ce qu’on a envie de faire et d’éviter le dur labeur. Sauf que le web 2.0 n’a pas arrangé les choses. Si vous êtes régulièrement embourbé, essayez une de ces astuces dès aujourd’hui. Puis essayez-en une autre la semaine prochaine, et encore une le week-end prochain. 5 Reasons Leadership Falls Flat. You can read a dozen books on leadership and attend just as many leadership seminars, but your employees won't follow your lead if you make any of these five common errors: 1.

Trying to lead before establishing credibility. People will only follow you if they believe that you know what you're doing. Credibility doesn't come from a job title or your position on the latest organization chart. Neither can it be "willed" into existence simply because you wish it were there. Fix: Credibility, like trust, can only be earned over time. Pourquoi le e-learning ça marche. Immobilier Les 6 règles pour réaliser des photos vendeuses. Bien vendre sa maison son appartement passe par l’image et la photographie, pour bien vendre il faudrait être presque photographe professionnel, mais si on observe certaines astuces on peut améliorer les images et optimiser son annonce immobilière.

6 conseils pour réussir un argumentaire de téléprospection - Cahier Pratique vente. 7 Things Customers Want Most From You. What do your customers really want from you?

7 Things Customers Want Most From You

No matter what your industry, your customers want more than just great products and workable solutions. What they really want to know is that you--personally--are the type of person whom they can trust to get the job done. Here are the seven things they want to see in you: 1. Independent Thinking. 10 Smart Rules for Giving Negative Feedback. Praising good performance is easy, but what about those times when someone on your team needs a kick in the butt more than a pat on the back?

10 Smart Rules for Giving Negative Feedback

In that case, you'll need to give some negative feedback--and do it without demotivating or demoralizing the other person. This post explains exactly how to do this. Before we get started, though, it's important to remember that the goal of feedback is not to tell people what to do or how to do it. That's mistaking the process for the goal. The actual goal of feedback--even negative feedback--is to improve the behavior of the other person to bring out the best in your entire organization. With that in mind, here are the 10 rules: 1. Facebook sera-t-il victime de la loi des 7 ans? - le blog relation client. 6 conseils pour améliorer ses relations commerciales. La relation commerciale d’une entreprise consiste à cibler, acquérir et conserver sa clientèle.

6 conseils pour améliorer ses relations commerciales

C’est un facteur qui contribue au succès de l’entreprise et qui constitue un défi permanent. L’objectif est de mieux comprendre ses clients pour ensuite adapter et personnaliser ses produits dans une société qui propose, au contraire, de la grande distribution et de l’uniformité. De plus, cette démarche améliore votre image et rassure vos clients. Rien de nouveau dans cette présentation mais on oublie souvent que les recettes les plus simples sont les plus efficaces ! Faites preuves de bons sens et de logique. Cibler sa clientèle: Vous savez à qui s’adressent vos produits ou vos prestations, afin de le vérifier, il existe une méthode simple à appliquer: le CQQCOQP. 5 Characteristics of a Strong Mind. We live in turbulent times.

5 Characteristics of a Strong Mind

If you and I are to overcome the obstacles in our way, we’re going to need a strong mind. No matter the circumstances around us, we will need to rely upon the mental toughness we normally look for in our heroes, not in ourselves.We admire heroes like Robin Hood and James Bond because they embody the characteristics that we’ve valued throughout the ages. Relation client : 9 astuces pour améliorer votre gestion de la relation clientèle. 5 Reasons you’ll love your next meeting - Meeting Agenda. Most people hate meetings.

5 Reasons you’ll love your next meeting - Meeting Agenda

Many meetings are long, counter-productive, don’t get anywhere, and nothing gets done. But they aren’t supposed to be like that. Meetings should be to the point. Meetings should be about getting together the right people to make the right decisions, and follow them through. 6 Signs That It's Time to Fire a Client. Though all client/agency relationships will have highs and lows, it is important to maintain a mutual respect and understanding during the good times and bad.

6 Signs That It's Time to Fire a Client

This is typically accomplished through good communication, clearly defined deliverables, and a complete understanding of budgets. However, even when an agency covers all of these bases, a difficult client's actions can have a deleterious effect on the relationship. When you've tried everything and still feel like you're getting nowhere, it might be appropriate to ask yourself, "Is it time to resign the account? " Here are six signs that your client relationship might be on the skids. If plagued by one or more of them, it might be time to shake hands and part ways. 1. 9 Life Lessons for Every Entrepreneur.

Gordon Dean was an American lawyer and prosecutor whose distinguished career was fairly typical for Washington types.

9 Life Lessons for Every Entrepreneur

He went to work for the Justice Department under President Franklin Roosevelt, and taught in the law schools at Duke University and the University of Southern California. He was appointed one of the original commissioners of the Atomic Energy Commission in 1949 by President Harry Truman, eventually becoming its chairman from 1950 to 1953. In short, he's hardly the usual suspect to offer entrepreneurs advice in 2012. Stick with me. When Dean died in a plane crash in 1958, it’s said that among his personal effects was an envelope with nine life lessons scribbled on the back. These are his superb lessons: Never lose your capacity for enthusiasm.Never lose your capacity for indignation.Never judge people.

Comment gérer sept personnalités difficiles en réunion. " Dès que dix personnes sont dans une même pièce, tout caractère affirmé devient difficile à contenir. L'effet groupe est en effet ravageur. Désireux de se faire remarquer, le trublion va plomber l'ambiance ou dissiper la troupe. Pire, il risque de retourner la salle contre vous et de saborder la réunion. Il faut donc reprendre la main.