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User Interface Design Tools and GUI Software - Iceweasel. OpenFrameworks. FAQ C++ - Club des décideurs et professionnels en Informatique - Cette FAQ a été réalisée à partir des questions fréquemment posées sur les forums de et de l'expérience personnelle des auteurs.

FAQ C++ - Club des décideurs et professionnels en Informatique -

Je tiens à souligner que cette faq ne garantit en aucun cas que les informations qu'elle propose sont correctes ; les auteurs font le maximum, mais l'erreur est humaine. Cette faq ne prétend pas non plus être complète. Si vous trouvez une erreur ou si vous souhaitez devenir rédacteur, lisez ceci. Sur ce, nous vous souhaitons une bonne lecture. Les sources présentées sur cette page sont libres de droits et vous pouvez les utiliser à votre convenance. DevIL - A full featured cross-platform Image Library - Iceweasel. The CImg Library - C++ Template Image Processing Toolkit - Icewe. Les bibliothèques C - Club des décideurs et professionnels en In. Perfect Circle - Circle Collision Detection - Iceweasel. Replacing the old timeToCollision function with the new one results in a program that seems to run pretty well.

Perfect Circle - Circle Collision Detection - Iceweasel

If computer calculations were perfect then indeed we would be finished, but this is not the case. Due to rounding errors, some glitches may occur if you use the code as is. If you have ever fiddled around with circle collision programs before you may have encountered a phenomenon where the balls sometimes seem to stick together. The reason this occurs is that when we calculate our time to collision and update our balls' position, sometimes due to rounding errros, the balls positions are such that the two balls are overlapping by a very small amount. After the balls collide and your collision reaction routine tells the balls to bounce away from each other, their edges will overlap again and trigger another collision.

This rounding error causes two problems; the first, being the ball sticking, the second being in our collision detection code. Mesa Home Page. Midpoint circle algorithm. In computer graphics, the midpoint circle algorithm is an algorithm used to determine the points needed for drawing a circle.

Midpoint circle algorithm

The algorithm is a variant of Bresenham's line algorithm, and is thus sometimes known as Bresenham's circle algorithm, although not actually invented by Jack E. Bresenham. The algorithm can be generalized to conic sections.[1] Rasterisation of a circle by the Bresenham algorithm The algorithm is related to work by Pitteway[2] and Van Aken.[3] Algorithm[edit] The object of the algorithm is to find a path through the pixel grid using pixels which are as close as possible to solutions of .

But maximizes . This algorithm starts with the circle equation. . And proceeds counterclockwise, reaching the angle of 45. Clipping (computer graphics) Any procedure which identifies that portion of a picture which is either inside or outside a region is referred to as a clipping algorithm or clipping.

Clipping (computer graphics)

The region against which an object is to be clipped is called clipping window. In 2D graphics for example, if the user of an image editing program is modifying an image and has "zoomed in" the view to display only the top half of the image, there is no need for the program to spend any CPU time doing any of the calculations or memory moves needed to display the bottom half. By clipping the bottom half of the image and avoiding these calculations, the program runs faster. Clipping is non-trivial, especially for 3D animations: if the objects are built up of polygons, a routine is needed that determines for each polygon whether it is visible within the viewport (i.e. the part of the 3D "world" displayed) or cut off the borders.

Clipping. By William Shoaff with lots of help Contents PDF version of these notes Audio file of these notes (up to Blinn's algorithm) Clipping refers to the removal of part of a scene.


Internal clipping removes parts of a picture outside a given region; external clipping removes parts inside a region. There is also the question of what primitive types can we clip? There are other issues in clipping that we will not have time to cover. Haaf's Game Engine - Hardware accelerated 2D game engine. - Iceweasel. Turska UI Library Development - Iceweasel. About Turska is a compact and simple framework & UI component library.

Turska UI Library Development - Iceweasel

It is especially aimed for games which typically have only modest requirements for UI. The library is meant to be used in connection with some other library as a low-level platform abstraction/backend. Currently the library has built-in support for both Irrlicht (using D3D8/D3D9/OpenGL/OpenGLES), OpenGL (desktop 1.x), OpenGL ES (1.1) and SDL (using OpenGL). Status Checkout latest version from SVN hosted in Google Code: Turska SVN Features Links License Copyright © 2003-2012 Jetro Lauha. The Nothing itself nothings - Iceweasel. Implementations. TUIO hardware support In order to support the further development of the TUIO platform, we are looking for hardware donations of various hardware: iOS and Android tablets, Touchscreen hardware, Windows 7 Multitouch Notebooks, Netbooks and Tablets, MS Surface, Samsung SUR40, Magic Trackpad or any other devices to evaluate their existing or potential TUIO support.


Please get in touch with martin_at_tuio_dot_org for further information! TUIO Tracker Implementations TUIO Server Reference Implementations C++: (source, all platforms) TUIO output Bridges Touch2Tuio: forwards native Windows 7 touch messages to TUIO clients mtdev2tuio: converts Linux touch events from libmtdev to TUIO 1.1 TouchToTuio: N-Trig panel TUIO driver (e.g. MIRIA SDK - Multitouch, Gestures and Multipurpose Input Gateway.

TISCH - Tangible Interactive Surfaces for Collaboration between.