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Benefits of Testosterone for Men. Emotional changes.

Benefits of Testosterone for Men

Low testosterone levels may result in: Decreased motivationDecreased self-confidence (partly due to the physical effects)Sadness/depressionFatigueDifficulty in concentratingDifficulty in rememberingWorse brain function (see right) Therefore, increasing your testosterone levels will likely result in: More motivationReduced negative feelingsReduced fatigueIncreased self-esteemIncreased cognitive function The Dangers of Too Much Testosterone Too much of most things will make you sick. Subjects given a very high dosage of testosterone often found that they become a lot more aggressive, adopting a more volatile personality in general.

Conclusion on Testosterone As you can see for yourselves, testosterone provides a man with many of the key characteristics he typically needs in life: energy, motivation, mental functions, sex drive and muscle mass. 3 Surprising Ways In Which Your Body Fights Infection. Increase Testosterone Levels with Daily Habits. Carbohydrates - Part One. Carbohydrates - Biology - Part Two. Starch is the storage carbohydrate for plants.

Carbohydrates - Biology - Part Two

It is made up of the two molecules: amylose and amylopectin. Amylose is a straight chain of between 2000 and 5000 glucose molecules. It has 1,4 glycosidic bond (its 1st and 4th carbons attach to other 1st and 4th carbons in order to form bonds).The position of these 1,4 bonds causes the long chain to coil into a spiral shape.Amylopectin – Is a polymer of glucose but has side branches stemming out of it. 1,6 bonds hold the side branches onto the main chain. What Is The Calvin Cycle? The Amazing Capabilities Of The Human Brain. What Should Be Common Knowledge There are some things that everyone should know, and this is one of them.

The Amazing Capabilities Of The Human Brain

The potential of the human brain is widely misunderstood by people. So is how it works. The brain has plasticity. No, it's not made of plastic. What this means is, a healthy human being is not stuck in a situation where he "naturally" cannot do something. The Proof - Brainlessness For all of you out there who believe that the brain is made with all of the different parts relating to different skills already designated, you're in for a shock. 7 Abiotic Factors. All About Bacteria. What Makes Them Different Bacteria are prokaryotic cells which have several distinctions from other prokaryotic cells.

All About Bacteria

Characteristics typical of bacteria: The MesosomeThis is an infolfind of the cell surface membrane and the site of cell respiration for bacteria. The lack of mitochondria is a telling sign of whether you are looking at a prokaryote or not.The PilusA pilus is a projection of protein tubing that allows bacteria to adhere to surfaces. Pili are also involved in cell to cell attachment that forms colonies of bacteria.The FlagellumThis structure is primarily used for cell movement and thrashes in order to create a propelling motion.The CapsuleA layer of mucus that serves the role of protection. How Viruses Work - Amazing Cells. Viruses cause many of the illnesses that we commonly face.

How Viruses Work - Amazing Cells

Measles, chicken pox, cold sores and the flu are caused by viruses. Plant diseases such as tobacco mosaic virus, as the name suggests causes the mosaic disease in tobacco plants. Viruses (and bacteria) that cause disease are called pathogens. Pathogens can affect both animals and plants. They are simply a strand of nucleic acids, either DNA or RNA. Sometimes viruses are found with what are known as ‘outer envelopes’. It is important to know that viruses cannot reproduce by themselves. How does HIV spread? Methods Of Spreading HIV can be spread in many ways.

How does HIV spread?

Bodily fluids such as semen, vaginal excretions and blood can pass it on but saliva and urine do not contain the virus and so are not a danger. In order for the virus to spread, it needs to get from the infected body or substance into another. Unprotected sex with somebody who is already infected will result in one acquiring this virus. Here are the main methods of transmission in the world: Unprotected SexThis is the most common path of transmission in the world. What Are We Doing To Help? AwarenessGovernmentally backed programmes and charities have been trying to spread the awareness of HIV, to stop the spread of the disease itself. Safe Sex ProgrammesWith increased awareness that unprotected sex with an infected can cause them to be infected too, the use of protection is more and the spread of infection less likely.

How to Identify Dead Bodies. Human beings, (and various other animals) have fingerprints.that do not naturally change during their lifetimes.

How to Identify Dead Bodies

Fingerprints are folds of the epidermis (outer layer) of the skin. These folds can vary in length and width and can join together to form differing patterns. Sebacious glands secrete sweat and oils and when these get on our finger tips (interestingly, fingers and hands do not themselves have sebacious glands) and we touch something, an impression of our fingerprints is left on them. We can then proceed to identify these impressions to identiy the owner or user of a particular object (gun, knife, keys) using different techniques by cross referencing them with suspects or everyone on a database. There are 3 main ways of making fingerprints visible: How to do an Experiment to see whether we should put Mint or Garlic in Toothpaste.