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Ce que l’on apprend sur les Communs en lisant Frédéric Lordon – – S.I.Lex – En quoi la BiblioDebout constitue-t-elle un Commun ? – – S.I.Lex – « Chaque commun est un cas particulier ». On cite souvent cette phrase d’Elinor Ostrom, lauréate du prix Nobel d’Économie en 2009 pour ses travaux sur les Communs et je l’ai fait moi-même à de nombreuses reprises à l’écrit ou à l’oral, sans me rendre compte à quel point c’était un aspect crucial pour saisir sa pensée et, plus largement, la réalité de ce que sont les Communs.

Après plus d’un mois à présent d’existence de la BiblioDebout, cette bibliothèque collaborative créée comme un Commun au sein du mouvement Nuit Debout, je comprends infiniment mieux pourquoi Elinor Ostrom a consacré une grande partie de sa vie à observer sur le terrain et à documenter des pratiques de mise en partage de ressources. Je saisis aussi mieux pourquoi ses écrits sur la gouvernance des Communs peuvent se révéler au premier abord assez hermétiques et difficiles d’accès, tant que l’on a pas soi-même expérimenté ces pratiques pour en comprendre « de l’intérieur » la micro-signification. Image par Dereckson.

P2P Foundation | Researching, documenting and promoting peer to peer practices. The Shift from Open Platforms to Digital Commons - Commons Strategies. David Bollier Universitat de Oberta Catalunya — Open University of Catalonia — just published the following essay of mine as part of its “Open Thoughts” series. The UOC blog explores the benefits and limitations of various forms of peer production: well worth a look! From open access platforms to managed digital commons: that is one of the chief challenges that network-based peer production must meet if we are going to unleash the enormous value that distributed, autonomous production can create. The open platform delusion We are accustomed to regarding open platforms as synonymous with greater freedom and innovation. In this sense, many open platforms are not so benign.

Such outcomes on “open platforms” should not be entirely surprising; they represent the familiar quest of capitalist markets to engineer the acquisition of exclusive assets and monetize them. There are other reasons to move to commons-based platforms. Towards the CopyFair license The potential of the blockchain. Welcome - Commons Strategies Group. The Blockchain: A Promising New Infrastructure for Online Commons.

Bitcoin has taken quite a beating for its libertarian design biases, price volatility due to speculation, and the questionable practices of some currency-exchange firms. But whatever the real or perceived flaws of Bitcoin, relatively little attention has been paid to its “engine,” known as “distributed ledger” or “blockchain” technology. Move beyond the superficial public discussions about Bitcoin, and you’ll discover a software breakthrough that could be of enormous importance to the future of commoning on open network platforms. Blockchain technology is significant because it can validate the authenticity of an individual bitcoin without the need for a third-party guarantor such as a bank or government body.

This solves a vexing collective-action problem in an open network context: How do you know that a given bitcoin is not a counterfeit? Blockchain technology can help solve this problem by using a searchable online “ledger” that keeps track of all transactions of all bitcoins. Quelles réciprocités autour des communs ? A l’occasion de la journée du 10/10 organisée dans le cadre du Temps des communs, SavoirsCom1 a proposé un atelier autour de la réciprocité des communs. Les licences libres ne permettent pas toujours d’enclencher des cercles vertueux économiques de nature à développer les communs des savoirs. Par exemple, la clause Non Commerciale des licences CreativeCommons met sur un même plan des réutilisateurs coopératives de l’ESS et des géants du Web…Comment conditionner certaines réutilisations pour certains acteurs et développer des réciprocités sans brider le partage?

Quels liens développer avec l’Economie Sociale et Solidaire? Comment enclencher des cercles vertueux? Et si, en s’inspirant des licences libres, on créait les conditions d’une réciprocité éthique autour de l’usage des communs? Plus d’une trentaine de personnes ont participé, les échanges furent très riches! Cela fut aussi l’occasion de synthétiser ces problématiques dans le support ci-dessous. Utopia Maker | Change the World. Post-Capitalism: Rise of the Collaborative Commons — Basic income. Technological Disruption The Internet of Things The Internet of Things is the foundational intelligent infrastructure of the new economy — integrating a Communications Internet, Energy Internet and Logistics Internet into a single IoT operating system. Hundreds of billions of consumer products will eventually be connected to the internet and to one another, feeding real-time data to an integrated global neural network.

Corporations around the world are already beginning to develop and distribute “smart” appliances and products that are capable of being connected to the internet and controlled by consumers via Wi-Fi. One of the most powerful effects of this global network of things will be the comprehensive energy efficiency and productivity gains across society, largely afforded by big data analysis. “The Internet of Things will connect everything with everyone in an integrated global network. Distributed Renewable Energy 3D Printing and the Decentralization of Manufacturing. The Commons Have Come to Town. Article and images cross-posted from Spain’s recent municipal and regional elections have transformed the entire political scene. New citizen coalitions with roots in community groups allied with small progressive political parties won unexpected victories in several large cities. This, plus the fact that two new national political parties -- Podemos and Ciudadanos -- burst decisively onto the political stage in the regional elections, has blocked the bipartisan (PP-PSOE) system created with the 1975 democratic transition.

Victorious in seven major cities throughout the country, including the three largest ones (Madrid, Barcelona, and Valencia), these coalitions open the door to a different sort of transition, questioning the dominant political culture and mentality, and in most cases putting in place minority governments, thus obliging various parties to negotiate joint platforms. Alain Ambrosi, Barcelona, 17 June 2015 Originally published in Remix the Commons.