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Revue - Your email digest. Automated. Dan Makoski — In the Moment. You were introduced to co-creation as a young designer, long before you started design research. What was your initial reaction? Honestly, being a self-centered designer, my first reaction was one of defensiveness and skepticism. It was back in New York, when I had my first high-profile design job. It was at Studio Archetype, which was the baddest-ass digital design firm at the time, and we were redesigning a website for United.

I’d worked for the very first time with researchers; I didn’t quite know if they were to be embraced or not. They brought in a dozen people, and did this thing called paper prototyping, which I had never seen before. I was like “What are you doing? As the project unfolded, I realized the insights we gathered in that first week, from a dozen ordinary people, were the keys to unlocking the most complicated and challenging information-architecture problems we encountered. I humbly took the researchers aside and said, “What is this stuff that you do?

Dr. Multimedia Guides to Polish Culture / Scale - API For Human Labor. The Distributed Ledger Landscape: Who is developing shared, replicated ledgers and why | Great Wall of Numbers. Smart Contracts: The Good, the Bad and the Lazy - Blockchain News. I’m not a fan of the term “smart contracts”. For a start, it has been used by so many people for so many different things, that we should probably just ban it completely. For example, the first known reference is from 1997, when Nick Szabo used it to describe physical objects that change their behavior based on some data. More recently, the term has been used for the exact opposite: to describe computation on a Blockchain which is influenced by external events such as the weather. For now let’s put both of these meanings aside. I want to focus here on “smart contracts” in the sense of general purpose computation that takes place on a Blockchain. This meaning was popularized by Ethereum, whose white paper is subtitled “A Next-Generation Smart Contract and Decentralized Application Platform”.

So is the future bright for smart contracts in private Blockchains? In private Blockchains, smart contracts combine four good ideas with one bad one. So what are the good ideas? And the bad one? DAOdemocracyDraft. HIPAA Compliant API & Secure Data Store - TrueVault. The Crypto-Currency Conundrum: Regulating an Uncertain Future. Introduction “Bitcoin is, at best, a beta project.” This statement was not made years ago, but rather in February 2014, one month after—a top-50 internet retailer that posted $293.2 million worth of sales in the second quarter of 2013 —began accepting bitcoin as a form of payment. February 2014 was a time when the volume of bitcoin traded at amounts in excess of $30 million every 24 hours. Yet, as the access to bitcoin and its use increases, situations arise that prove the system is still flawed.

Many people think of bitcoin as a new and innovative payment system, yet bitcoin is also much like forms of money that the world has seen in the past, before governments and central banks exerted their control. The demand for an easily transferrable medium of exchange arose after the fall of the dark ages and with the emergence of trade during the Italian Renaissance. Bitcoin and its various iterations and competitors have not been without their detractors. I. A. B. C. 1. 2. 3. InternetS of Energy : Call me DAISEE.

46 - La Banque a les jetons - LA VOIE DU ฿ITCOIN. Une version abrégée et sans illustration de cet article a été publiée sur le Cercle des Echos pour présenter mon idée d'une nouvelle économie du token. Le mot token a fait son apparition, assez timidement, dans la cryptosphère. Au vrai, pas plus que le mot blockchain il n'apparaît nulle part dans l'article fondateur de Satoshi Nakamoto en 2008. Mais lui, il a des racines historiques anciennes. Une page wikipedia token présente de ce mot plusieurs acceptions données à tort comme des homonymes, dont quatre significations liées à l'informatique, sans allusion aux actifs cryptomonétaires, et une référence renvoyant à la page consacrée aux tokens britanniques décrits comme des jetons de paiement illégaux du 17ème au 19ème siècle.

Une fausse monnaie pour le bien commun ? En partant des tokens du passé, je vais tenter d'explorer ce qui pourrait être imaginé aujourd'hui pro bono publico . Un ancêtre du bitcoin? Pourquoi ? Là, est-ce le poids de l'expérience historique ? La démesure est-elle le seul moyen pour changer d’outil de mesure. A l’heure où tous nos outils de travail deviennent numériques, la mesure, le contrôle et la surveillance ne cessent d’étendre leur emprise sur les rapports productifs et au-delà, sur l’ensemble de nos rapports humains. Des caméras aux caisses enregistreuses, des pointeuses aux rapports automatiques que produisent les outils numériques utilisés par les employés (GPS, ordinateurs, téléphones mobiles, outils métiers dédiés)…Tous les outils semblent maintenant utilisés pour compter, pour chiffrer la productivité de chacun.

Tous produisent des indicateurs… et ces indicateurs sont censés produire eux-mêmes des processus pour optimiser le travail. La productivité est désormais sous le contrôle de nos machines et la boucle de rétroaction qu’elles produisent (c’est-à-dire l’information que les machines retournent qui sert d’indicateur pour renforcer les comportements mesurés) cherche à toujours plus la maximiser. Quelle productivité mesurons-nous ? Pourquoi ? Changer d’indicateurs ? AKASHA Project | Co-creating The Language of Freedom.

Re:publica 2016 – Sarah T. Roberts: Behind the Screen. Crystal - Crowdsourced Everything. L’industrie du taxi à la frontière de l’innovation. Jacques Rosselin avait publié l’information il y a quelques jours, mais un éditorial du 11 avril dernier écrit par Jean-Christophe Tortora, président-directeur général de La Tribune, lui a donné beaucoup plus d’ampleur : suite à une plainte contre X déposée par Nicolas Rousselet, PDG du groupe G7, Jean-Christophe Tortora et moi-même sommes mis en examen pour diffamation. L’origine de cette plainte est un texte intitulé « Les fossoyeurs de l’innovation », publié le 15 octobre 2013 sur le blog de L’Âge de la multitude et reproduit le même jour sur le site de La Tribune à la demande d’Eric Walther, directeur de la rédaction.

Ce texte, qui discute la vision de l’innovation de Nicolas Rousselet, a été écrit dans le contexte de la préparation du fameux décret dit des « 15 minutes », dont il était l’un des défenseurs les plus visibles. Ce qui est en jeu, dans l’économie numérique, c’est l’avenir de notre pays : notre croissance, nos emplois, nos services publics, notre protection sociale. Von Hippel : le paradigme de l’innovation par l’utilisateur. A l’occasion de l’inauguration de l’Institut interdisciplinaire de l’innovation (« l’I3 », prononcez i-cube), le 14 juin 2012, un institut de recherche fondé par Mines Paris-Tech et Télécom Paris-Tech, qui associe 6 laboratoires et groupe de recherche sur l’innovation et la société numérique, les organisateurs de l’évènement avaient invité le célèbre spécialiste de l’innovation, Eric von Hippel, à faire une lecture de ses récents travaux.

Une invitation inaugurale de bon augure qui souligne que l’étude de l’innovation doit se tourner vers l’étude des comportements des utilisateurs et pas seulement vers le seul fonctionnement des entreprises. « Nous sommes au milieu du plus grand changement de paradigme dans le management depuis des décennies », estime le célèbre professeur de management. « Nous passons du paradigme Schumpeterien d’une innovation centrée sur les producteurs à une innovation centrée sur les utilisateurs.

Image : les paradigmes de l’innovateur et du producteur. Who Are You? — The Case for a Global KYC Registry — Banking, Payments & Fintech. The KYC Problem In the world of payments and transactions, how do you identify a person? Globally? Some nations have ID cards, most don’t have it. Some have email, quite a few don’t. Many have mobile phones – which makes a great case for it being a unique identifier, but then comes along Mark Zuckerberg and David Marcus from Facebook – and they want to kill the telephone number.

The (Facebook) Messenger is all you need, cites Mark. Interesting concept, except that is one sided. So, the question that begs to be answered – How do we make a global registry? I don’t have a clear cut answer, but I do have a suggestion for it. Let me start tangentially, with OAuth. Herein lies one-half part subtle clue to the answer. A complex equation like say the credit scoring app in the US, but complex on a scale of say the page ranking algorithm that Google has, which takes into account 10,000s of variables (if not more). I previously wrote a brief article on this, what I call Federated Identity Management. Rebooting-the-web-of-trust/ at master · WebOfTrustInfo/rebooting-the-web-of-trust.

On KYC and blockchains. It’s official: Blockchains for everything! KYC is a challenge that blockchains are being thrown at (see here, here, here). The premise is “KYC is a headache and blockchains are trendy”. However there is rarely much detail on the problem and insight as to why a blockchain might or might not be a good idea. I aim to explore this use-case more fully in this post. Firstly, some definitions Knowing Your Customer (KYC) is a process that occurs in financial services mandated by regulation. For financial services providers it means having a good idea of who you are providing financial services to, whether they are individuals or businesses. In the case of individuals, the process ranges from proof of identification and address through to understanding a person’s source of wealth, business interests and family connections, especially if they have politically active family relations.

AML and CFT AML and CFT is mainly about detecting patterns and is out of scope for this post. Blockchains The KYC problem. Purpose driven campaigning. The toxic “Age of Me” culture, Part 2. The toxic “Age of Me” culture, Part 2 Instead of building real value, the “Age of Me” culture is steeped in “how a person with money hires a person without for the lowest possible wage to make as much profit as possible for the one with money.”

Bear that in mind as marginal costs for companies head towards zero even as the cost of basic necessities like food, shelter, clothing, transportation, etc spiral upwards. Will the financial benefits of automation trickle down to ordinary people or will there be even greater inequality? When automation, artificial intelligence and robotics finally take over most of our jobs, how will we (and our future generations) pay for our living expenses? Will universal basic income ever be able to cover that? When we should be collaborating rather than competing against one another, why are international secret trade deals like the TPP, TIPP and TiSa still being negotiated?

Are human going to go the way of horses? Will humans go the way of horses? References. You don't need to be an engineer. HackerOne: Vulnerability Coordination and Bug Bounty Platform. Combien vaut l’accès à Wikipédia pour les utilisateurs? | Page Personnelle de Nicolas Jullien. Le numérique, en permettant le développement de grands projets collaboratifs de production de connaissance, a renouvelé notre vision de cette production ainsi que l’analyse économique du fonctionnement des communs (informationnels).

Si la motivation des contributeurs à participer à ces communs fait l’objet d’une littérature importante, les réflexions sur l’accès de tous à ces biens (contributeurs ou non), et sur le financement de cet accès, sont moins nombreuses, alors que les coûts induits (serveurs et bande passante, adaptation du logiciel aux nouveaux terminaux comme les tablettes) sont loin d’être négligeables (par exemple, environ 21 millions de dollars pour Wikipedia en 2014). Nous avons cherché, Myriam le Goff, Godefroy Dang Nguyen et moi, à évaluer la valeur que les utilisateurs attribuent à cet accès, en comparant deux expressions de cette valeur, la disposition à payer et le don.

En s’appuyant sur les réponses, nous nous proposions d’explorer trois thématiques associées: Le vertigineux avenir des échanges exécutables. La 11e édition de la conférence Lift qui se tenait à Genève s’est ouverte avec une session sur la fameuse Blockchain. Cette technologie cristallise aujourd’hui tous les espoirs de décentralisation et d’autonomie, à la suite de tant d’autres technologies qui ont connu leur heure de gloire avant d’être assimilées sans avoir vraiment réalisé ces mêmes promesses. Comme si cette longue histoire de déceptions et d’échecs n’avait finalement eu aucun impact sur l’enthousiasme des évangélistes des nouvelles technologies.

A croire que la révolution technologique est toujours une révolution à venir… Blockchain : la technologie ultime ? Joseph Lubin (@ethereumjoseph) est aujourd’hui l’un des grands artisans de la Blockchain. Cofondateur d’Ethereum, la principale plateforme d’application de la chaîne de bloc après le célèbre Bitcoin, il est revenu, dans une présentation plutôt technique et assez assommante sur le potentiel de la blockchain. A quoi sert la blockchain ? Qu’importe. Hubert Guillaud. State of the Dapps. Online « The McCarthy Show. (The Core is distributed under the terms of the GNU-PL. For exact terms see The Core is considered as source code under that agreement. You are free to use and distribute this work or any derivations you care to make, provided you also distribute this source document in its entirety, including this paragraph.) The following Core Protocols are made up of both commitments and protocols. The Core Protocols Pass (Unpass)Check InCheck OutAsk For HelpProtocol CheckIntention CheckDeciderResolutionPersonal AlignmentInvestigate The Core Commitments Pass (Unpass) The Pass protocol is how you decline to participate in something.

Steps When you’ve decided not to participate, say “I pass. ”Unpass any time you desire. Commitments Notes Check In Use Check In to begin meetings or anytime an individual or group Check In would add more value to the current team interactions. Speaker says “I feel [one or more of MAD, SAD, GLAD, AFRAID].” Check Out Ask For Help Protocol Check Want. Alanna Krause, Enspiral ~ Growing A New Economy ~ New Frontiers. Who Are You? — The Case for a Global KYC Registry — Banking, Payments & Fintech — Medium. The KYC Problem In the world of payments and transactions, how do you identify a person? Globally? Some nations have ID cards, most don’t have it. Some have email, quite a few don’t. Interesting concept, except that is one sided. So, the question that begs to be answered – How do we make a global registry?

I don’t have a clear cut answer, but I do have a suggestion for it. Let me start tangentially, with OAuth. Herein lies one-half part subtle clue to the answer. A complex equation like say the credit scoring app in the US, but complex on a scale of say the page ranking algorithm that Google has, which takes into account 10,000s of variables (if not more). I previously wrote a brief article on this, what I call Federated Identity Management. If we can combine a global registry and issue a token, the token can then become our unique identifier. While this may sound shallow at the moment (and I’ll admit it is), it does provide an interesting scenario to discuss on the sidelines. Related. Explaining DAOs to a non-technical person in 10 points. Democratic%20Money%20and%20Capital%20for%20the%20Commons%20Report. CROWDING OUT IN BLOOD DONATION: WAS TITMUSS RIGHT? - Mellström - 2010 - Journal of the European Economic Association. CARPEREZ.ORG - Carlota Perez.

The Basics · FAQ · Assembly. How does Assembly work? Assembly enables software products (apps, services, etc.) to be built like open source projects. When a product earns money, it goes to the contributors who built it. The projects are open and transparent, and anyone can help build them – whether you want to contribute a few hours or a few months. Product ideas, vision and execution are driven by the community. Each contribution you make will be rewarded with a fair amount (as determined by the community) of stake in the project -- stake is distributed through App Coins. Working on Assembly projects is a great way to learn, challenge yourself and make a meaningful contribution to a great product. What is the best way to get the feel for Assembly? Hop into a discussion and introduce yourself!

What parts of building can I help out with? Anything and everything. Everyone is free to participate in supporting and evolving any apps built on Assembly in the ways they see fit. Why do people work on Assembly products? You do. The Uber Model, It Turns Out, Doesn’t Translate. Amazon's cloud boss told us something that should terrify a $140 billion industry. Scale of social structures - Tibi's philosophy. Free personality test, type descriptions, relationship and career advice | 16Personalities. Personality Types | 16Personalities. Soutenir les écosystèmes artistiques. Telegram – a new era of messaging. Comment éviter de se faire court-circuiter par le digital ? - Christian Fauré, à l'USI. Portrait robot de l'entreprise du futur: durable dans l'instable.

Design Resources from Bjango. Equipotentiality. Theory of the firm. A Social Operating System — Ursium Blog — Medium. 500 entreprises "B Corp" en France d’ici 3 ans. TerraNova revolution num nicolas colin. Work in Progress : quand les syndicats rencontrent les innovateurs (21 janv. 2016) What Paul Graham Is Missing About Inequality — What’s The Future of Work? The Carlota Perez Framework. How Self-Organization Happens — Open Participatory Organization. Realtime API Overview.

Democratic Money and Capital for the Commons. From Unanimous A.I. Background Checks | Products. The Chemical Brothers - Wide Open. Open Law : un modèle exemplaire de partenariat Public-Privé-Communs. Nicolas Colin, The Family - L'Open Source ou la technologie banalisée. Why Cryptoequity May Not Be Securities - Lawbitrage. The Viable Systems Model Guide 3e. The Viable Systems Model Guide 3e. Trusted Third Parties Are Security Holes. EB113 – Jae Kwon, Dustin Byington & Ethan Buchman: Tendermint - Private Modularized Blockchains.

Numerama, le média de référence sur la société numérique et l'innovation technologique. Tomorrows technology, yesterdays insights. Taming the swarm - Collective Artificial Intelligence | Radhika Nagpal | TEDxBermuda. Taming the swarm - Collective Artificial Intelligence | Radhika Nagpal | TEDxBermuda. Farewell to competitiveness – companies need a new operating system | Marc Stoffel | TEDxZurich. DCO Model Template | DCO Book. Open edX: Why we’re relicensing XBlock API under Apache. Why Open Source Misses the Point of Free Software. Releases under MIT license, AGPL does not apply - Announcements - Forum. Top 10 Freelance UX Designers for Hire in January 2016. Peter Thiel: Competition Is for Losers. With Assembly, anyone can contribute to open-source software and actually get paid.

The Big Hidden Problem With Uber? Insincere 5-Star Ratings. The Future of Firms. Is There an App for That? Clip-1950835-stock-footage-digital-data-bank-series-version-from-to-thing-different-you-can-find-every. Anonymous crowd, timelapse background - Stock Video Footage - Dissolve. A Leader’s Framework for Decision Making. Principles and Glossary of Presencing.