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VSCommands for Visual Studio 2010 extension. Sign in to write a review Sort by: by Proco | January 27 2014 Excellent tool, perfect for those who dont have money for R# Excellent plug-in however at the moment it's got a problem with detecting changes to the solution, which means that i have to close the solution and then re-open it.

VSCommands for Visual Studio 2010 extension

It defeats the purpose of having the reload all projects setting (which is awesome). Thank you very much Jarek. SA1001: The spacing around a C# keyword is incorrect. Enjoy using this plugin. I've been using this extension for over a year now. Great tool Our team is using it for cross platform development by code sharing mostly with links (Copy paste as link)... Few ideas (web site is not working): 1. Thanks regards -------------------------------------Hi Jarek Few more!!!! --------------------Hi again! I'm glad I could suggest. Thanksmel The speed of this addin is terrible. Es muy util, me gusta mucho la facilidad que me brinda para programar. This is one of my favorite extensions. Keep up the good work! Productivity Power Tools extension. Sign in to write a review Sort by: Tab well colors and grouping are very helpful.

Productivity Power Tools extension

Only additional feature I would like to see added would be a multilevel tab well when it is in the top or bottom position (like in the Tabs Studio extension, see link). Having the tabs on the side wastes a lot of screen space and you still can't read long file names. I wish the Solution Navigator search should be increase the Speed and should Support wild card along with camel Case search. The tool is very good but after installing Productivity Power Tools was not possible to navigate within the expression editor in the file .rdlc (Report) using the arrow keys. This is just EXCELLENT add-on tool. OpenXML editor is suppose to open a document, excel spreadsheet... that's a great tool and I use this a lot in the VS2012.But now I am using VS2013, is there any update plan for the VS2013? Excellent tool !!!

Perfect tool~PS: Is it possible for VS2008 ? Productivity Power Tools == Essential VS Tools. Best Visual Studio Extensions. Visual Studio comes up with loads of stuff making everyday life of a developer easy.

Best Visual Studio Extensions

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Productivity Power Tools A powerfull extension from Microsoft with tons of features to make your work a lot easier. VSCommands 2010 PowerCommands For Visual Studio 2010 Web Essentials JSEnhancements DevColor FxCop Integrator.