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DIY - How to make a paper heart (Origami - paper folding) Message Doll (Wedding) - Others - Parties & Events. Message Doll (Wedding) Recommended paper type Matte Photo Paper Page Layout Same magnification. Fun & Interactive Wedding Invitation ideas « Creative Diy Ideas « i do too :: alternative weddings | your day, your way! Your wedding invitation sets the tone for your wedding. You can give your guests a glimpse of what’s in store by how you choose to invite them along.

Here’s a few ideas to get the creative juices flowing & give your guests something that won’t go in the bin after the day is done. Tea Towel Wedding Invitations This has got to be the most useful wedding invitation ever! I Do Wedding teatowels does a great job of getting all your wedding details printed onto a tea towel in cool designs to send out to your guests. It’s like a wedding invitation & bonboniere in one cute package!

Puzzle Wedding Invitations This is a super cool way to intrigue guests. Piece By Piece Origami Wedding Invitations. Do you remember those things you used to make as a kid? An example from Kat’s Krafts on Etsy. Love Origami Wedding Invitation by Cees Mensen | Goes Wedding. Love is a great feel. Love is absolutely beautiful feel when we falling in love with someone. Someone to love, someone to hold through love is able to happen through the wedding party. Show your love in your wedding party through the wedding invitation. Pour your love in the wedding invitation, show off your love to the guests. This is it. It is the love origami wedding invitation design by Cees Mensen. Love Origami Wedding Invitation by Cees Mensen Love Origami Wedding Invitation Design by Cees Mensen Love Origami Wedding Invitations by Cees Mensen Love Origami Wedding Invitation Designs by Cees Mensen Love Origami Wedding Invitations Design Ideas by Cees Mensen Love Origami Wedding Invitation Design Ideas by Cees Mensen Love Origami Wedding Invitations Designs Ideas by Cees Mensen.

Un faire-part en origami. La recherche du faire-part de mariage est souvent laborieuse, beaucoup de choix, des choses trop simples, d’autres trop sophistiquées et on finit par s’y perdre. Plusieurs d’entre vous m’ont demandé des idées de faire-part à faire soi-même et en voici une : un coeur en origami qui fait aussi décoration! Le coeur n’est pas super facile à réaliser mais une fois que vous maîtriserez la technique ça ira beaucoup mieux! Sur la face recto du coeur la créatrice d’Eat drink chic et son amoureux ont choisi d’inscrire une citation. Et voici la maquette de leur faire-part à télécharger. Vous pouvez l’imprimer et vous en inspirer pour le placement de votre texte! N’hésitez pas à remplacer certains éléments qu’ils avaient choisis afin d’obtenir un faire-part qui vous ressemble.

Ainsi, en ouvrant le coeur vos invités découvriront leur invitation! En plus, comme il est mignon, votre faire-part trouvera tout naturellement sa place chez vos invités! Matériel : - un petit morceau de laine/coton/fil à broder. Dites oui ! #1 le faire-part origami. Jeudi 30 juin 2011 Dites oui ! #1 le faire-part origami Libellés : Et moi et moi et moi 1 commentaire: Janou-Eve3 octobre 2011 19:46superbe ce faire-part! Aussi beau que le couple lui-même1RépondreSupprimer Charger la suite... Article plus récentArticle plus ancienAccueil Inscription à : Publier les commentaires (Atom) Qui suis-je ? Marjolaine Niort, France Graphiste / illustratrice free lance Afficher mon profil complet Libellés Archives Liens Membres koï Attention ! Les images de ce blog ne sont pas libres de droits. Kusudama Tutorial part 1.

The Japanese kusudama is a paper ball made out of multiple identical origami shapes glued together. They were traditionally used as a ball for incense or potpourri but now we see them more for decoration or as a gift. Today I am showing you part 1 on how to make the Japanese traditional shape. There are many different patterns to make a kusudama ball but I find this the easiest pattern to get started. This is also the pattern I used to make the pink flowers on the tree in the banner. What you need for this tutorial is: 60 pieces of paper cut into squares. Below I will show you how to make the basic shape, you need to make 60 of these. Fold the bottom corner to the top. Fold the left and right corners up to the middle corner. Fold the same points down. Open up the flaps you have just created and flatten them. Fold the top triangles towards you so they are level with the edges of the paper.

Fold the triangles back using the crease you made earlier and glue the outside triangles together. Mariage DIY tendance origami.