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Adapting Old Organization Structures to New Challenges via Horizontal Links. By Valdis Krebs "We may not be interested in chaos, but chaos is interested in us.

Adapting Old Organization Structures to New Challenges via Horizontal Links

" - Robert Cooper When change was slow, and the future was pretty much like the present, hierarchical organizations were perfect structures for business and government.

Social_NEtworks 1

Social_NEtworks 2. S Routines for Social Network Analysis in the R Environment. Most of which involve social network analysis, though a wee bit 'o other stuff is available as well.... Introduction and Caveats This page serves, as one might expect, to allow other researchers to access some of the data analysis tools I've developed in the S language. The implementation of S used here is that of the R Statistical Computing Environment , rather than the common alternative of S-PLUS ; the intrepid could doubtless port these routines from one flavor of the language to the other, however. Caveats: This software is provided on an unsupported, as-is basis, under the terms of the GNU Public License . It is not guaranteed to be bug-free, let alone efficient; use it at your own risk. Use Visone to make your first network map. I often get asked about network mapping software.

Use Visone to make your first network map

I switch back and forth between several programs depending on what I want to do. For most, I usually recommend NetDraw.