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Programa 7ma Filven Mérida 08 de abril ~ Mérida Cultural.


Musica-Sonidos. Find a Song Title - Search Song Titles by Lyrics, Artists or Tags. Ten Canons of the Musical Offering. Tony Phillips of the American Mathematical Society has posted a most interesting study in which these canons are used to illustrate the mathematics of elementary functions.

Ten Canons of the Musical Offering

How the "Offering" Came to Be In 1746 Frederick the Great extended an invitation to Johann Sebastian to visit the Prussian court in Berlin. The invitation may have come at the behest of Carl Philip Emanuel, Sebastian's son then in the employ of the king, or it may have been engineered by Count Keyserlingk, Russian ambassador and patron of Bach. In the spring of 1747 the elderly composer arrived in Potsdam where he was received graciously, if not deferentially, as shown by Frederick's (or Carl Philip Emanuel's) calling upon Sebastian as "Old Bach. " The guest was immediately asked to test Frederick's new Silbermann fortepianos and the ensuing display of technique was impressive enough for the emperor to propose a musical subject upon which Bach was requested to improvise a fugue.

Eels: Official Band Website.