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Life-Changing Books: Your Picks. We asked our readers what books made the biggest difference in their lives, and here’s what they had to say. The list below tells you what books shaped their lives and why. 1984 – George Orwell 1984 “was the first book I actually enjoyed reading. It completely blew my mind at the time (I was 16) and it opened my eyes to the power of ideas and to the joy of reading a good book.” — Tim A Short History of Nearly Everything – Bill Bryson “Wow this book is incredible. Ariel – Sylvia Plath “After reading through these suggestions, I realized there’s a big hole: Poetry!

Cat’s Cradle – Kurt Vonnegut “This book reignited the pilot light of my imagination like no other book had done in quite awhile. Crooked Cucumber – The Life and Zen Teaching of Shunryu Suzuki “Although I am not practicing Zen (yet), this book is like my Bible in that I plan to always read over it and reflect upon the messages therein. Disturbing the Peace – Vaclav Havel Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close – Jonathan Safran Foer.

School in the Cloud. The annual plan construction set. It's that time of year, when big companies race to put together their annual plan for the coming year. These documents, even though they're now digital, involve thousands of hours of analog meetings and discussion and compromise. To save you time, here's a simple list you can use. Just pick one or more phrases, string them together using words like, "using," and a bit of reconjugation and you're on your way. The problem with plans created by committees is that they are built on vague. That's because vague is safe, and no one ever got in trouble for failing to meet a vague plan.

But vague is singularly unhelpful when it's time to make a hard decision. Muhammad Ali’s Knockout Guide to Being the Greatest | Vivid Ways. Photo Manipulation - 40 Examples of Incredible Photo Manipulation. Photo manipulation is an ever evolving collaboration between photography and graphic design. Combining certain elements to create a unique image, that can convince even the most experienced set of eyes, requires a very creative set of skills. Because the manipulation of a photo gives a realistic view of an unreal picture, you should have an open mind when gathering ideas on how to get creative with your images. Photo manipulations are a great source for inspiration, generally because designers are able to express their creativity through various aspects of design. Several of the following images contain illustrative elements, while others display a more realistic approach.

So here are 40 of the most incredible examples of photo manipulation. Which ones are your favorites? The Lotus | Book Preview. Top 10 Most Paused Movie Moments. Steve Jobs Rede Stanford 2005 deutsch. Bitcoincard | This will change everything. Smarchive - Schluss mit Papierkrieg! Who Are You.... Really - 41 Translation. Foundation: Jobs & Internships. Facebook. Facebook. Facebook. Facebook. Larry Smith: Why you will fail to have a great career. Speeches Of The World | teamusik | 3,000+ likes | 6. Joe Gebbia: The Airbnb Story.