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Emotional Trash Bag Figures. Using trash bags, unused grocery bags and plastic sheets, Pakistani artist Khalil Chishtee creates life-sized figures wracked with emotion. He uses these materials as a metaphor for "recycling our identities" or braving the problems of life. “For the first time I have used trash or recycled bags as my medium because no matter how many times I recycle plastic, it will remain plastic only, it will not change, so why do we change after being replaced? ," he says. "We change names, religion, language and even emotions.

Why can't we also remain ‘human beings' that we essentially are?” Look through his various works and you'll feel a sense of sadness wash over you. Khalil Chishtee's website. Le projet | Projet Synesthéorie. Google Search plus Your World : fusion de SEO et SMO ? Par Olivier Duffez, Mardi 10 janvier 2012 Google met en place aujourd'hui un changement de grande ampleur, sous le libellé "Search plus Your World" (SPYW).

Il s'agit d'une personnalisation encore plus poussée des résultats de recherche, faisant la part belle aux réseaux sociaux. Enfin pour être précis, surtout à Google+ ! SPYW en résumé... En gros : soit vous incluez Google+ (et les autres réseaux sociaux) dans votre stratégie SEO, soit vous acceptez d'être dépassé par vos concurrents qui le feront. La personnalisation extrême des SERP et l'impact du SMO sont justement 2 des éléments clés du référencement pour 2012, selon mon humble avis exprimé la semaine dernière. Pour rester informé des évolutions permanentes du référencement et de Google en général, suivez-moi sur Google+ : mon profil Olivier Duffez et ma page WebRankInfo. Disponible en anglais sur pour les membres connectés 3 nouveaux types de résultats Google personnalisés Zoom sur les résultats personnalisés Google.

"Goldfish Salvation" Riusuke Fukahori 深堀隆介. Les tableaux célèbres recomposés en photos. By GOLEM13 Twitter : @ | 23 décembre 2011 Le projet « Remake » lancé par le site est un concours où l’on vous demande d’adapter en photo les œuvres artistiques célèbres (Tableaux, photos, sculptures…). Un agréable travail de composition, certains travaux sont assez fidèles aux œuvres originales d’autres sont des interprétations très personnelles. Un chèque de £10,000 est à gagner. Voici quelques exemples de soumissions. Participer “Self Portrait 1889?.

“Le Désespéré”. “Pot Pourri”. “The Murderer Threatened”. “Wanderer above the Sea of Fog, 1818?. “Bedroom in Arles”. “Luncheon on the Grass” . « Weeping Woman”. “The Two Fridas” .Frida Kahlo “La bonne foi” .Magritte “The Anatomy Lesson of Dr. “American Gothic” . « Study for Portrait”. “El Tres de Mayo” .Goya “Woman with Black Cravat” .Modigliani « Woman with a guitar” .Georges Braque “Adele Bloch-Bauer I” .Gustav Klimt Articles similaires Le livre des tableaux célèbres recomposés en photos Dans "Art Design" Dans "Non classé"

Street Art by Max Zorn Making of Tape Art. Pete Fecteau Creating a Mosaic Entirely out of Rubik’s Cubes | Ape on the Moon: Contemporary Visual Arts. I could never get the hang of the Rubik’s Cube, still can’t. That has obviously never been the case for Pete Fecteau. Being more than comfortable with a Rubik’s Cube in his hand, Pete goes one step further in Rubik’s fluency, using them as his medium in his large-scale piece ‘Dream Big’. He took a little time to tell us about himself and this impressive project. My name is Pete Fecteau and I’m an artist and designer. It never occurred to me to use them for art until it came to me in a dream, literally. The Rubik’s cube has a very limited color palette and I wanted to use 5 of the 6 colors to translate the work of Martin Luther King Jr. into a dynamic, analogous visual. Those 9 greys were then swapped with the 5 cube colors and the gradients between them.

I’m too cheap to buy or rent studio space. I prefer bleak, featureless spaces because there’s so much to focus on. . © Pete Fecteau, 2011. J Fletcher Design – Graphic Design & Art Direction – Charleston, SC. Art. Art Basel Miami, and its numerous satellite fairs played host to an array of peculiar animal art this year. While we don’t quite know what to make of some of these sculptural curiosities, the wood-work beasts of rising talent, AJ Fosik, on view Cinders Gallery at the Aqua Art Fair and Murphy Design at Art Miami, grabbed our attention.

It seems Fosik is not short of admirers – both pieces were sold by the time we saw them. Thanks to Jeff from At Arms/The Art Collectors. AJ Fosik Were not sure either These bitches know how to get a man Please send all your recycled tires to this guy… Bark at the moon… The Obliteration Room, Kids Cover All White Room in Polka Dots. THE PROPOSAL. Paper sculptures by Jen Stark. Vibrant sculptures by Jen Stark. She has art and a t-shirt on sale here and you can see more from her current show here. Fri, 12/30/2011 | Co.Design.


Street Art.