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From Scratch. Pizza Tart. It may not sound like it, but pizza and tart do go together sometimes.

Pizza Tart

We’re having some pizza cravings here, so I whipped out my tart pan and gathered some Parmesan cheese and almond flour. I’ve used a 1:1 ratio of Parmesan cheese and almond flour for other recipes, like the Parmesan crackers and croutons and Parmesan Thyme crackers. This ratio works well overall for a number of crusty and crunchy-type baked things using a hard cheese (like Parmesan) and flour. My next experiment with this ratio will probably be bread sticks. Tip I love this tart pan because it is non-stick, so I don’t have to oil or butter it and I don’t worry about the crust sticking.


Pasta. Baking. Stuffed Eggplant with Shrimp and Basil Recipe. Swiss Chard with Pinto Beans and Goat Cheese Recipe. Breakfast. Burgers. Meats. Indian Vegetarian Recipes. Spicy Vegan Potato Curry Recipe. Gravy. Treats & Snacks. Raw.