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Top 10 World Records And Best Plays Sports. 28 Powerful Photoshop Lighting Effects | Tutorials. There is something about beautiful lights that can mesmerize an audience. Take a fireworks show for example. It’s been around for thousands of years, yet still has the power to put looks of amazement on faces of all ages. That’s why lighting effects make such powerful design elements. They are a great way to grab the attention of your audience and leave a lasting impression. Below is a collection of the best Photoshop tutorials for creating powerful lighting effects. Amazing Photoshop Light Effect In 10 Steps A smokey light effect complete with glowing particles.

Fire Lines Tutorial This tutorial teaches you how to create stylish fire lines in only 10 steps. Luminescent Lines Iron Man View Interface Effect In Photoshop This is very close to the amazing effects seen in the movie. Luminescent Lines Advanced Glow Effects A Cool Lighting Effect In Photoshop End of the World Photo Manipulation Creating Smoke A popular effect explained very well. Design a Coldplay/Apple Inspired Portrait in Photoshop. Multicolr Search Lab - Idée Inc. Tips and downloads for getting things done. @Blueluck: Very true - I've seen other countries where people leave their family in another country to go find work, and then to manual labor for extremely cheap just to be able to send it all home to their family. I guess that could be interpreted as their purpose, but the work is not purposeful in and of itself.

I guess "pay enough to take money off the table" covers that, so we're only talking about how to motivate people after they're at the comfortable level most Americans that read this blog are at. Interesting results in India, though. I believe there is a threshold that once you're paid a certain amount, you feel on top of things like you deserve it, so you don't work hard to move up further. If you take money completely off the table, or put the carrot completely away, there's not much to work for anymore. I think that's one reason government employees aren't known for super service. @Blueluck: Its completely subjective, is the answer. Perry2039's Channel. The Jewel in the Heart of the Lotus. Body Painting by Craig Tracy | Pondly - StumbleUpon.

Article by James Pond I am the owner of / art lover / electrical engineer / software developer / MBA in e-business student. I blog for pleasure and love to share my Internet findings. Web site: Body painting is form of art in which Craig Tracy excels. Website You may want to check out Body Painting by Barbara Pichiecchio and Alessio Frederico Sample: Do you want more visual fun? You might also like.