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Ipad i undervisning. Apps in Education. Educational Technology and Mobile Learning: PBL – the best teaching method in the 21st century instruction | The 21st Century. Examples of educational wikis | The 21st Century. The 21st Century. Web 2.0. This is hardly a marvel of prophecy, but bear with me... The signs are that this year will be one marked by something of a backlash against social media/ web 2.0/ any internet stuff. I don't mean from the traditional media, who've always been suspicious, but from people who know what they're talking about and have been advocates. In other words, increasingly 'us lot' will be declaring that this stuff is peripheral, uncool, over- rated, etc. I think this will often been focused on a particular technology, and Twitter will be the main candidate this year.

I've already seen several people I know abandon it. The other thing to bear in mind is that as technology matures, so does the criticism that goes along with it. I would caution though that many of us who are prone to technology enthusiasm are also guilty of excessive criticism (I include myself in this).