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Documents PDF sur la culture de champignons. Voici de nombreux fichiers PDF en rapport avec la culture de champignons.

Documents PDF sur la culture de champignons

Ces informations vous seront utiles pour réaliser vos essais de culture de champignons. N’hésitez pas à me contacter si vous trouvez d’autres sources intéressantes. Texte en français: Culture de champignons comestibles. Shiitake Mushrooms & Permaculture « Permaculture Design Review. Steve Gabriel (of the Finger Lakes Permaculture Institute) has been busy designing, creating, teaching and writing about log-grown shiitake mushroom culture.

Shiitake Mushrooms & Permaculture « Permaculture Design Review

Using permaculture analysis and design for his work on behalf of small forest lot owners has inspired his blog, ( as has his shiitake logs and ducks! A review of recent posts shows his focus on how the production of a few specialized forestry products benefits from a big-picture, ecological framework. His projects and writing reflect a small farmer struggling to earn a right livelihood while fully embracing the ecological realities.

He writes: “Permaculture is a design system that focuses on the production of food, fiber, and energy while restoring degraded ecosystems. 4157_rapport_etape_shiitake_phase_1. Six manières de changer le monde avec les champignons, Paul Stamets. Fabre Graines, boutique en ligne de graines, d'oignons, vivaces et végétaux. - champishop. Les champignons. Communauté francophone des champiculteurs - Champimagik. Discover the World of Mushrooms - Mushroom growing for everyone! Online Mushroom shop. Champignons en kit, Semences et Bulbes. How to grow Shiitake Mushrooms.