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Syncronic Order Law Of Time

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Birthing the New Earth Soul : Changes and New Beginnings in July 2015. Beloved Family of Light, July promises to be a month filled with changes, transitions and new beginnings.

Birthing the New Earth Soul : Changes and New Beginnings in July 2015

You will feel these changes and transitions deep in your own being, but you will also see many changes ocurring on the outer or social levels. NUMBER 9. NUMBER 9 IN RELATIONSHIPS Number 9s have a heightened sense of self-awareness gained through life experience, common sense and intuitive wisdom.


They often attract those who seek a teacher, leader, mother or father figure, or those who think that a 9 association may advance them in some way. 9s are generally quick to see through that façade though and will evacuate the offender from their life with haste. Number 9s are most often an attractive lot and if they lack traditional charms, they will certainly compensate with more than they’re fair measure of sex appeal. New Moon April 2015 ~ Darkstar Astrology. The New Moon April 18 is at 28º Aries and falls in Aries Decan 3Bounty Hunters & Black Gold.

New Moon April 2015 ~ Darkstar Astrology

Rulers: Venus & Jupiter. Deity: Eros. “A raging sea and a tsunami of flaming emotions. This New Moon needs to make”love not war”, but if it can’t make love then the war can get very monstrous indeed. Everything is played at epic proportions. Crossing the Bridge of Time – by Red Queen. We are the Song of the Stars Remembering our Beauty and Purpose! 13-Moon Natural Time Calendar - Interactive Perpetual Dynamic - ELECTRIC MOON 3 - Activate Bond Service. The Dreamspell Calendar - In 1987, using ancient Mayan glyphs, Dr.

13-Moon Natural Time Calendar - Interactive Perpetual Dynamic - ELECTRIC MOON 3 - Activate Bond Service

Timewaves. Posted by Vasumi on Apr 6, 2014 in The Wavespell | 0 comments “The miracle is not to fly in the air, or towalk on the water, but to walk on the earth.” – Chinese proverb.


Good Morning Planetary Kin… Today we enter the 13-day cycle of the Red Earth… The cycle of listening for the synchronicities that reveal our path, when we slow down enough to listen for the messages being gifted to us… The Red Earth is symbolised by the Turtle, slow and sure, taking the time to listen for the perfect timing of each considered step, revealed through the messages brought to our feet by Earths allies, the creatures, the winds, the weather, each other… May our feet move slow enough to truly feel and gives gratitude for the Earth that supports us, as we stand, sit, lie on her, and feel that as the Earth spins and navigates evolution, so as one great web of life, do we evolve with her… May our timing become impeccable as the synchronicities reveal each perfecting step forward… What is a Grand Cross?

YELLOW SPECTRAL WARRIOR - Kin 76 - on the 13-Moon Natural Time Dreamspell Calendar - Destiny Pattern Wavespell Famous People Births Deaths and Events. YellowSpectral Warrior Yellow Warrior is your Conscious Self - who you are and who you are becoming.Yellow Warrior, the galactic guide, is a mystic ferryman on the return path to the stars; allow Yellow Warrior's staff to ferry you to the spiraling vortex of cosmic consciousness.

YELLOW SPECTRAL WARRIOR - Kin 76 - on the 13-Moon Natural Time Dreamspell Calendar - Destiny Pattern Wavespell Famous People Births Deaths and Events

Yellow Warrior is the grace of the descent of the dove. Embody the mystic gift of trust in direct guidance. Through trust, you journey to the place of 'no time' and limitless light. There you will undergo the transformations to embody solar heart and mind. Yellow Warrior is a conduit for cosmic communication, offering access to the universal web of consciousness. Jovian Archive. Galactic Signature Decoder. Galactic Signature Decoder Project Number 10 Hello World !

Galactic Signature Decoder

We've opened a global university studying creativity and evolving harmonious ways of 'doing business'; Our mission is to encourage, inspire, enlighten and empower every human being. RED PLANETARY SERPENT - Kin 205 - on the 13-Moon Natural Time Dreamspell Calendar - Destiny Pattern Wavespell Famous People Births Deaths and Events. Red Serpent is your Conscious Self - who you are and who you are becoming.

RED PLANETARY SERPENT - Kin 205 - on the 13-Moon Natural Time Dreamspell Calendar - Destiny Pattern Wavespell Famous People Births Deaths and Events

"I am the flint and tinder of the sacred fire," reads the meditation for Red Serpent. In the Great Mystery, flint and tinder represent the instinctive combustion that initiates movement in the physical body toward union with Spirit. When flint and tinder are brought together, the spark of divinity awakens and ignites the fire of your essence. Red Serpent invites the purifying spark of the sacred fire, the kundalini, to align and integrate your body, mind and spirit. Red Serpent can help you uncover apparent blockages in specific chakras to clear an align them. This Mayan medicine can remove toxins, rejuvenate and transform dis-ease.

Red Serpent represents the basic structural apparatus of your motivations, instincts, desires, and your innate movement toward wholeness. Kin107.rm. Mayan Astrology Readings Free at Six Mental Spheres 2.10.2. Nature's Calendar: Restoring Personal and Planetary Harmony. Sabiduria Maya ancestral para nuestro tiempo. Calendario Maya, Cholquij. NIMA Q’IJ (Gran día) El ciclo del Cholq’ij se repite cada 260 días, el signo maya natal de cada persona también ocurre cada 260 días, cuando confluye su Nawal con su respectiva fuerza numérica.

Sabiduria Maya ancestral para nuestro tiempo. Calendario Maya, Cholquij

El día en el que rige nuestro signo natal maya es nuestro Nima Q’ij. En este día nos encontramos ante una situación biorrítmica favorable, dado que las energías que están discurriendo son armónicas con las nuestras. Para el pueblo maya es muy importante el Nima Q’ij. Es la mejor oportunidad para realizar un proceso de armonización espiritual al analizar en profundidad los propios pro­cesos. Para saber el Nima Q’ij, buscar en el Calendario mes tras mes (páginas xx) a que día corresponde su signo maya natal este año. Al salir fuera del rea maya nos sorprendimos al encontrar en el mundo occidental informacin sobre un supuesto calendario maya que lamentablemente no tiene nada que ver con la tradicin maya.

Y con los Nima Ajq'ij decimos en referencia al pueblo Maya: Moon Phases Calendar / Moon Schedule. Solar Seals. Tzolkin, meaning the ‘Count of Days’ in Yucatecan, is the Sacred Mayan Calendar that was utilized by Mayan priests for ceremonies, rituals and divination purposes.

Solar Seals

This sacred calendar was followed by several Mesoamerican cultures and, although expressed with different names, they all consisted of a combination of 20 symbols by 13 numbers. The Cholq’ij, its name in Quiche, is still in use by the Day Keepers in Mayan communities of Highland Guatemala. The 20 symbols or glyphs are energies or archetypes represented by names, called in their modern term as Solar Seals. Another World Networks Oracles - 13 Moon Calendar. 13 Moon Calendar Tutorial. The coming new era on our planet has everything to do with a change of timing frequency. The 13 Moon-28-day calendar is a simple tool that helps us to raise our frequency and gives us a new lens to view both our day-to-day and planetary events. Because both the Gregorian and 13 Moon calendars operate with 52 seven-day weeks annually (364 days), the 13 Moon calendar provides a perfect daily transition tool for hooking back up with the higher-dimensional order! It is simple to follow day-to-day as it is marked with the dates of the Gregorian calendar. 13 Moon Calendar - Simple Cycles The 13 Moon calendar is comprised of elegantly simple cycles.

Wizard's Garden 5.11. Synchrogalactic Yoga II 6.5 Silio. Synchrogalactic Yoga II 6.5 Limi. Synchrogalactic Yoga II 6.5 Kali. Templates of Order and Disorder 5.4. The Wisdom Cycles 2.2.7. Numerical Cosmology of the Law of Time 2.2.4.