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Extant Medieval Hairnet photos on the Web « February 20, 2011 at 6:16 pm | Posted in Netting | 9 Comments I have been trying to track down as many extant hairnets from the middle ages as possible, to use in my research of medieval netting. I thought that since I am hopefully not the only person interested in such things that posting a listing of as many of the hairnets as I could find might be helpful to others. Because I am unsure of exactly how the copyright laws work, most of these are just links to where you can actually find the pictures. 1. a hairnet made of silk (1300) that is apparently in the Germanisches National Museum in Nurmberg.

The black and white picture shows even square mesh with lacis designs. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16 A border(?) 17. Like this: Like Loading...


Tatting. Antique Pattern Library Catalog. Le blog de Bidouillette. CreationsSpoolknitting. SPOOL KNITTING: New! 'Keep Calm and Carry On' woven banner During WW2, the British people were exhorted to 'Keep Calm and Carry On' Excellent advice! This fun banner is even more special because it's woven on the potholder loom, or other small looms that give a 6 or 7 inch square, including the Martha Stewart loom. With spool knitted Crown, edging and words. . $6.95 Cdn Spool Knitted Friendship Fairy Dolls Friendship Fairies are tiny spool knitted dolls that are wonderful gifts. The Friendship Fairies are cuter than a button- they are about 3 1/2 inches tall, which means that they can go in a pocket, or you could pin them on a hat or bag or shawl or pillow or belt or invite them to live in a dollhouse.

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