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Facebook Twitter The Finger Test to Check the Doneness of Meat. Print Photography Credit: Elise Bauer There are two basic methods to test for how done your meat is while you are cooking it—use a meat thermometer, or press on the meat with your fingertips.

The problem with the meat thermometer approach is that when you poke a hole into the meat with a thermometer, it can let juices escape, juices that you would rather have stay in the meat. For this reason, most experienced cooks rely on a “finger test” method, especially on steaks (whole roasts are better tested with a thermometer). My mother has been trying to get me to test meat with my fingertips for years, and for years, being somewhat of a scaredy cat (won’t it burn my fingers?) Then my friend David showed me up. Now the point of this story is not to embarrass David (though that would be fun, if it were even possible) but to encourage you, if like me, you’ve been shying away from trying this approach. This is one of those things that gets easier with practice.

MethodHide Photos Hello! Creative Homemaking...Dedicated to all of Your Homemaking Needs. Microsoft Checklist Index. Blog Archive » Grandma’s Stain Spray. Grandma’s stain spray is so simple to make. And saved my favorite shirt. Okay. One of my favorite shirts. It has penguins on it and I’m sure I’ll be wearing it for many years to come. The first time I wore the shirt (FIRST. I pretreated the EVOO stain with Shout spray, left it over night, then ran the shirt through the washer AND dryer. The penguin shirt came out of the dryer with the EVOO stain still there. Or so I thought. I pretreated with Grandma’s Stain Spray, let it rest overnight, and ran through the wash again.

Would you like some wonderful stain spray for your laundry room? Fill an empty squirt bottle with equal parts Water AmmoniaJOY Dishwashing Liquid Spray on stain and gently rub in. I strongly recommend using JOY dishwashing liquid. I can’t guarantee the spray will take out every stain you come across, but it works just as well (if not better!) I hope you have the same stain-fighting success! The Perfect Pantry Article. Inspiration for Life's Celebrations. Printable Pages For Your Household Notebook. Homemade Febreze-Go Green by staying Cheap!

I've seen this on the internet a few times, so I thought that I would bring it to the eyes of you fantastic readers at instructables. Febreze- We all use it (I hope some of us do) to clean what we have dirtied, make that which is foul smell better, and generally add a hint of fragrance to our garments. In this short but sweet instructable, I'll show you how to make your own Homemade Febreze with things you should already have in your home. This is not my original idea. I see it on the internet a lot, but since it was not on instructables, I thought I'd share it with you here. The motive behind making your own Febreze type smell good cleaners is that the cost of making it yourself is lower than the cost of most cleaners today.

Cleaners are getting more expensive everyday, and by making your own, you can cut back on spending outrages amounts of money for a bottle of stuff that you can imitate with household ingredients. 10 Tricks for Easy Entertaining - Martha Stewart Entertaining 101. Pantry List | organizing. By: Vered DeLeeuw A well-stocked pantry can save you from what happened to me yesterday. It was 6pm, we had just arrived from the kids’ gymnastics class, and I had absolutely no idea what to make for dinner.

Eventually I decided to make a quick pasta dish – spaghetti with olive oil and oregano. But alas, there was no pasta in the house and only a tiny bit of olive oil left. We ended up ordering pizza. Now, don’t get me wrong – the occasional pizza dinner is fine. A pantry list is a great way to make sure you always have the basic staples in the house – those that would enable you to quickly put together a homemade, healthy meal. If you need help creating your pantry list, take a look at mine.

DRIED GOODSCoffee, teaCornmeal, cornstarchDry cerealsAll purpose flour, bread flour, cake flour Granulated Sugar, powdered sugarJellies, jams and preservesPeanut butterRice Pasta PopcornNuts and seeds. EverythingMom: Pregnancy Week by Week | Ovulation Calendar | Meal Plans | Moms Forum | Mom Blog. 100 Ways for Your Family to Make a Difference. Getting into the saving habit: Ten easy ideas for families. By Melanie Haiken En español Log your spending habits for one month It doesn't take a miracle to save money.

It's as simple (and as difficult) as figuring out how to spend less than you earn. But before you can cut your family's spending, you need to know exactly where the money is going. So, for the next month, keep a log of all your daily, weekly, and monthly expenditures. Find an easy way to record what you spend as you go, whether you use an app on your phone or a pocket journal. And prepare yourself for some sticker shock. Once you see what you spend your money on, you can make decisions about what's a must-have for your family and what can be cut. That morning latte you buy on the way to work can add up to a tidy $60 a month, or $720 a year, or $7,200 in ten years – a nice chunk of savings.

And those impulse baby clothes purchases you put on your credit card? You don't have to go without caffeine, and you can still dress your baby in adorable outfits – just be smart about it. Housewarming Bucket - Martha Stewart Entertaining. Cleaning - Best Home Organization Tips at Money Saving Mom® :: Helping You Be a Better Home Economist. Household Planner Revealed (& a Few Free Downloads)